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179 results filtered with: Torture
  • Saint Martha (?). Woodcut.
  • Two young women pluck a bird which has a man's head, while an old woman prays. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • A Chinese man stands carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Process print after a photograph.
  • A Chinese man lying on the ground, with a man seated on his back and another holding the rope that binds his feet, is being whipped. Coloured etching by W. Milton, 1813.
  • A Chinese man with a cangue around his left arm and right leg is about to be whipped. Wood engraving, ca. 1850.
  • A Chinese man is lying on an horizontal pillory while two Chinese men are tying a rope around the wooden structure at its base and a third man is hammering on a pole in order to crush the victim's ankles. Coloured stipple print by J. Dadley, 1801.
  • The coronation of the Virgin with four saints: Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint John the Evangelist, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Benedict or Saint Romuald. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G. Reni.
  • The torture of rebels in Persia. Line engraving with etching, 17--.
  • Chinese prisoners being subjected to torture: two men are shown bound and suspended from a horizontal pole, watched by their torturer, while two others await a similar fate below. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.
  • Martyrdom of two men by disembowelling and by decapitation. Etching after Ferrari [Cesare Ferreri?].
  • An angel leading a soul into hell. Oil painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Two missionaries gouging out the eyes of a Chinese convert. Line photoengraving, 1915.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of instruments of torture and appliances for restraint of the insane. Photograph.
  • A black slave in Surinam is stretched on a rack as another black man breaks his bones with a wooden stick. Engraving, 1793, after J.G. Stedman.
  • A girl in a red aureole with spiked bars; representing fear of the Iron Maiden of Nuremberg. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1967.
  • A man being tortured and executed in public. Gouache drawing.
  • Marcus Atilius Regulus placed in a barrel lined with iron spikes; Carthaginian soldiers hammer more spikes into the barrel and prepare to close the lid. Etching by S. Rosa.
  • A Chinese man with his hands bound behind his back and two red flags on his head is being whipped with wooden sticks, as he is led to trial by a man beating a gong. Coloured stipple print by J. Dadley, 1801.
  • A Chinese prisoner kneeling on the ground is having his fingers tortured by three men. Coloured engraving by A. Freschi, 1812.
  • A Chinese monk having been found with a woman has his neck pierced with a chain and is whipped by another monk when he touches his neck. Engraving attributed to B. Picart.
  • A firing squad executing criminal soldiers. Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.
  • Left, a Tartar musketeer holding a gun; right, Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Coloured engraving by A. Freschi, 1812.
  • A kneeling Chinese woman is subjected to torture: the woman's hands are tied above her head, while two men insert a pole between her wrists. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.
  • A Chinese woman being subjected to torture while tied to a cross: blood is seen ematating from the woman's eyes and mouth and her torturer is shown standing besided her. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 18--?.
  • Roman soldiers beat Christ before the high priest. Line engraving by J. Sadeler, 1589, after C. Schwartz.
  • Marcus Atilius Regulus placed in a barrel lined with iron spikes with soldiers fitting more nails on the barrel and closing the lid. Line engraving after Giulio Romano, 1560.
  • A Chinese man is attached by the neck and the ankles to a metal rod. Coloured stipple print by J. Dadley, 1801.
  • Soldiers plundering a convent, killing and raping the men and women that resist them. Etching after J. Callot, ca. 1633.
  • A Chinese man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Halftone, 19--.
  • Soldiers sacking a mansion and torturing its inhabitants. Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.