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188 results filtered with: Tumour
  • MRI scan; spinal cord cancer, cervical
  • CT scan; brain cancer (glioma), post-treatment
  • HeLa cells, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • MRI scan; brain cancer (glioma)
  • HeLa cell, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • Cerebral angiogram; brain cancer (meningioma)
  • HeLa cells, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • Human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell, SEM
  • Prostate cancer cells treated with nano sized drug carriers
  • Highly invasive human paediatric brain tumour derived cells
  • Cerebral angiogram; brain cancer (meningioma)
  • HeLa cell, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells treated with graphene, SEM
  • Lung cancer cells grown in culture, SEM
  • HeLa cell, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • Prostate cancer cell spheroid, LM
  • Prostate cancer cells treated with nano sized drug carriers
  • Proton CT of a human skull
  • Detecting colon cancer in human tissues, LM
  • HeLa cells, immortal human epithelial cancer cell line, SEM
  • Podophyllum peltatum (American mandrake). Also known as 'May apple'.
  • Podophyllum peltatum (American mandrake). Also known as 'May apple'.
  • Human brain cancer stem cells, SEM
  • Dividing HeLa cells, LM
  • Prostate cancer cell, SEM
  • Human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell, SEM
  • Prostate cancer cells treated with nano sized drug carriers
  • Blood vessel in a melanoma, SEM
  • Illustration shows the excision of a cancerous growth from a woman's breast, an operation which Hanaoka Seishu first carried out in 1804 using general anasthetic
  • Cerebral angiogram; brain cancer (meningioma)