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752 results filtered with: Fund Raising
  • HIV & AIDS : nothing to do with you? You can't ignore what's inside : sooner or later everyone's life will be touched by HIV & AIDS ... / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • To the lighthouse : the 5th cycle ride : Sunday 13 September 1992 ...
  • Here's your chance to do something positive about AIDS : make a donation today to The Terrence Higgins Trust / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • International Bazaar for Animal Welfare to be held at the Caxton Hall, off Victoria Street, London, S.W.1 on Tuesday, 31st October, 1967, from 10.45 to 6.00 : UFAW's stall at this bazaar is held to provide funds for the education of overseas personnel in the care and general treatment of animals.
  • : a 10km sponsored stroll around London for HIV & AIDS : Sunday 22nd June 2003 : followed by a brilliant party / Crusaid.
  • In-house events / [London Lighthouse].
  • [Single, 'stamp' gummed sticker celebrating the stamp centenary exhibition and "sold in aid of the Lord Mayor's Red Cross and St. John Fund." Printed in magenta].
  • Protocole Club : danser = vivre : dim 30 nov 18h-06h : Showcase / Act Up Paris.
  • National raffle / The Terrence Higgins Trust, leading in the fight against AIDS.
  • [Stamp-like sticker sold to raise funds for the French Red Cross. Bearing a portrait of: Vc. Al. Boué de Lapeyère].
  • [Card advertising the American Red Cross shop at 587 Fifth Avenue].
  • St. Stephens AIDS Research Appeal : the "STAR appeal" for a new AIDS research centre : for the practical application of state-of-the-art technology and research into the treatment of AIDS / St. Stephens AIDS Trust.
  • David Kernan for Show People presents... Mad about the boy : a star-studded evening celebrating the art of Nöel Coward : Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue ... : hosted by Sheridan Morley & Ned Sherrin in aid of London Lighthouse.
  • We've got the recipe for fighting HIV and AIDS : the only missing ingredient is you! : please volunteer or donate today / The Food Chain.
  • [1945 racing programme, sold to raise funds for the Red Cross. The races were probably arranged by the British military in post-war occupied Italy].
  • Amusing Productions present Lighthouse poets : Tuesday 27th July 1992, 7.30 pm : readings by Tomm Gunn, John Heath-Stubbs, Maureen Duffy, Jeremy Reed, Clive Wilmer introduced by Brenda Dean / London Lighthouse.
  • London Lighthouse in conjunction with The Barbican presents 'A Night of nights' / London Lighthouse.
  • We can train you to complete the San Francisco Marathon or half marathon : training begins February 5, 2005 / National AIDS Marathon Training Program ; a Walk.The.Talk production.
  • Appeal for funds : at the request of the Serbian government the London committees are providing two new field hospitals & a motor transport section to accompany the Serbian division in Russia / London Units of the Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies.)
  • National raffle / The Terrence Higgins Trust, leading in the fight against AIDS.
  • Le départ du sanatorium : [Guerre 1914-1917 : Journée nationale des tuberculeux (anciens militaires)].
  • [Portrait of Henry, Duke of Gloucester, sent out in thanks for help in his Penny-a-week fund for the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John].
  • This ticket admits two to: International Bazaar for Animal Welfare at Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, S.W.1 on Tuesday, 31st October, 1967.
  • Women's Group : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • [Form letter asking for donations (EPH464:157, EPH464:158) to help work in disaster relief in China, Myanmar and Bangladesh from Sir Nicholas Young, the Chief Executive of the British Red Cross Society].
  • National raffle / The Terrence Higgins Trust, leading in the fight against AIDS.
  • The Red Ribbon International Visa card : no annual fee, just 5.9% APR on balance transfers ... you can help raise AIDS awareness at no cost to you / MBNA International.
  • A year of art for London Lighthouse : British painting : featuring 52 of Britain's most important contemporary artists ...  / London Lighthouse.
  • [3 fund raising stickers for the British Red Cross Society Scottish Branch featuring the arms of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, Seaforth Highlanders and the Royal Scots].