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177 results filtered with: Germany, East
  • A standing child, naked, viewed from behind; his shoulders are uneven. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie.
  • The death of Prince von Bismark (?), with his family gathered around him. Lithograph (?) 1898.
  • A young woman taking a boy to school introduces him to the school master in the schoolroom. Wood engraving after Ludwig Bassini.
  • The three holy women stand in light rays outside the tomb of Christ. Engraving by J.F. Leybold after F.H. Füger.
  • Rescue of people from buildings damaged by explosion in civil defence. Colour lithograph, ca. 1984.
  • A standing man, 3/4 length view, partially clothed; his left arm appears deformed. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A standing young man, naked and viewed in full length; he appears unable to straighten his body. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • Ernst Bumm operating on a male patient, other doctors monitor the patient's condition. Photogravure after R. Huebner, ca. 1924 .
  • A woman's head and neck; her eyes are closed and her mouth twisted into a grimace. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1864.
  • Lehrbuch der Mikrobiologie : (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Seuchenlehre) / herausgegeben von Ernst Friedberger und Richard Pfeiffer.
  • A woman, head and shoulders; she has a bump on her right shoulder. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1864.
  • A seated woman, viewed from the front in full length; her hands are deformed. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A sitting woman, her fingers and toes are severely deformed. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A sick man projects his tongue while a doctor takes his pulse and times it with a sand-glass, a woman looks on over the chair-back. Coloured lithograph.
  • A seated man with naked torso: view of left shoulder. Drawing attributed to H.W. Berend, c. 1856.
  • A man's hands, palms down, opened out and spread onto black cloth, showing misshapen fingers. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1862.
  • A standing young man, naked and viewed from the front in full length; he appears emaciated. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A young man, naked to the waist and viewed from the side; he has a swelling on the back of his neck. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A woman standing: a full length view from the front, in which she reveals her legs by raising her dress. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1859.
  • A woman seated; she is partially clothed with her arms extended and the left side of her face appears slightly deformed. Photograph by L. Haase for H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • Anthropogenie, oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen ... Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte ... / [Ernst Haeckel].
  • A naked young man, viewed from the front in full-length, revealing a deformity in his left arm and shoulder. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1860.
  • A woman with her head tilted to the right, viewed from the front. Drawing attributed to H.W. Berend, c. 1856.
  • Cancer cells and instruments for treating cancer; advertising a cancer congress in East Germany. Colour lithograph by H. Israel for the Gesellschaft für Geschwulstbekämpfung der DDR, 1985.
  • A standing woman, viewed from behind whose striped skirt has been covered with black cloth, revealing her arms and shoulders. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1862.
  • Die Mutationstheorie : Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Entstehung von Arten im Pflanzenreich / von Hugo de Vries.
  • A woman's head and shoulders, her right eyelid is heavier than her left. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1865.
  • A standing young man, naked and viewed from the side in full length; he appears unable to straighten his body. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben des Menschen und der Thiere / unter Mitwirkung von J. Arnold [and others] ; herausgegeben von S. Stricker.