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101 results filtered with: Leaves
  • Autumn leaves of alder (Alnus species). Watercolour drawing.
  • A cherry (Prunus paniculata): branch with leaves. Pencil drawing by S. Kawano.
  • Oak leaves with two oak apples. Watercolour drawing.
  • Ivy leaves. Watercolours.
  • A flowering plant stem, a grass and a single leaf. Watercolour.
  • Autumn leaves of bramble (Rubus species). Watercolour drawing.
  • Oak (Quercus species): leaves and twigs. Pen drawing, partially coloured.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • Oak leaves with four oak apples. Watercolour drawing.
  • A willow (Salix species): branch with leaves. Pencil drawing by S. Kawano.
  • Leaves and twigs of elm (Ulmus) and privet (Ligustrum). Watercolour and pencil drawings.
  • Black bryony (Tamus communis): leaves. Watercolour and pen drawings.
  • Two plants, possibly a fruiting branch of hawthorn (Crataegus) and a stem of dodder (Cuscuta). Watercolour.
  • Peepul tree (Ficus religiosa): fruiting stem. Coloured lithograph after M. A. Burnett, c. 1843.
  • Leaves and twigs of lilac (Syringa), box (Buxus) and alder (Alnus). Watercolour, pencil and pen drawings.
  • Various leaf forms, leaf arrangements and bulbs. Watercolour by I. Sawkins.
  • Leaves and single leaflets of a plant, possibly a Cassia species. Watercolour.
  • Three leaves, possibly of a maple (Acer species). Watercolour.
  • Wild thyme (Thymus praecox): flowers, stems and leaves in various pictures. Watercolour, pencil and pen drawings, 1897.
  • Eleven compound plant leaves, all of different shapes. Chromolithograph, c. 1850.
  • Four rows of leaves of varying form, including some of holly (Ilex species) and willow (Salix species). Colour nature print by A. Auer, c. 1853.
  • Three species of fern, including a maidenhair fern (Adiantum species) and a clubmoss. Colour nature print by F. Branson, 1850.
  • A leaf of the teak plant (Tectona grandis). Pencil drawing.
  • Textiles: silk manufacture in China, feeding the silkworms. Engraving.
  • Ten seedlings with different types of cotyledon or seed leaves. Chromolithograph, c. 1850.
  • Autumn leaves of bramble (Rubus species). Watercolour drawing.
  • Japanese box (Buxus microphylla): branch with leaves. Coloured pen drawing by S. Kawano.
  • A fern with an oval space framed by the fronds. Nature print.
  • Twelve plant leaves with different types of margin. Chromolithograph, c. 1850.
  • A Japanese plant (muku): branch with leaves. Coloured pen drawing by S. Kawano.