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69 results filtered with: Philadelphia (Pa.)
  • Hospital for the Insane, Philadelphia: panoramic view from the garden. Line engraving by W.E. Tucker after W. Mason after I. Holden.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: American Civil War medicine wagon produced by T. Morris Perot and Company. Photograph, 1876.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: U.S. military hospital barrack ward: a model with the roof raised. Photograph, 1876.
  • Fair Mount water works, Philadelphia: with the Race Bridge. Coloured engraving by Fenner Sears & Co., 1831, after C. Burton.
  • Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Philadelphia: panoramic view. Coloured engraving by Fenner Sears & Co., 1831, after C. Burton.
  • Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science: a man experimenting in a laboratory. Photograph, c. 1933.
  • The Centennial Exposition Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Fairmont Park Waterworks, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: buildings on the banks of the Schuylkill river. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: Lincoln Hospital, Washington D.C.: a model. Photograph, 1876.