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179 results filtered with: Phrenology
  • An anxious man comparing his own head to a skull, using the technique of phrenology. Coloured lithograph after T. Lane, c. 1825.
  • The death mask of William Palmer, the poisoner. Lithograph after M. Krantz, c. 1860.
  • A bald phrenologist with a large forehead examining a skull, in a 'vanitas' pose. Mezzotint by W.O. Geller, 1833, after T.H. Illidge.
  • In a crowded salon, a wigmaker fits wigs according to occupation; representing the character stereotyping of Gall's phrenology. Coloured etching by J.E. Marcus after J. Smies, c. 1810.
  • A phrenologist examining a man's characterful head. Lithograph.
  • Franz Joseph Gall leading a discussion on phrenology with five colleagues, among his extensive collection of skulls and model heads. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1808.
  • Esposición sumaria del sistema frenológico del doctor Gall / [José Ramón Pacheco].
  • Head of woman showing musical ability, according to phrenological classification. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Phrenological illustrations, or an artist's view of the craniological system of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim / By George Cruikshank.
  • The phrenologist Bernard Hollander illustrating with his own head his system of cranial measurements. Photographs, c. 1902.
  • Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • Phrenological journal and life illustrated.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Scull of a public woman, remarkable for the depravity of her morals, her great propensity to steal and cruellty.
  • Phrenological chart with three figures of a head and sketches of the heads of famous men. Coloured lithograph, 1836.
  • Seven vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: tune, covetiveness, secretiveness, size, firmness, time, weight; illustrated by an organ-grinder, a pick-pocket, an adulterer, the huge Daniel Lambert, a pavior with his rammer, a winged clock, a crown on a cushion. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Six vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: hope, conscientiousness, veneration, cautiousness, benevolence, causality; illustrated by a dog anxious for scraps, a maid attempting a good price for her masters old clothes, an obese gourmand eying an enormous side of beef, a prim couple crossing a muddy road, a man being flogged, Liston acting the part of Paul Pry. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Phrenological head of Baron Lyndhurst as former Lord Chancellor. Lithograph attributed to J. Doyle, ca. 1844.
  • Child's head, with fat cheeks: profile. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Elements of phrenology, physiognomy and palmistry, with diagrams of heads and hands, and portraits of historical figures. Colour lithograph, 1866.
  • The human brain, divided according to Bernard Hollander's system of phrenology. Process print with pen and ink, c. 1902.
  • Sixteen feet in profile, of women and men: a parody of phrenology. Coloured etching.
  • Elements of phrenology / [George Combe].
  • Men of opposing social classes in a game of boules; illustrating the faculty of weight and resistance in phrenology. Steel engraving by A. Portier, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • A phrenologist working on the head of a boy. Watercolour painting by J. Leech.
  • The brain seen from the underside, sectioned horizontally; with attention to the part associated by Hollander's system of phrenology with memory for numbers. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • Try your bumps : buy Hudson's soap in dozens.
  • The devil examining the head of a boy; three other boys lurk under the devil's wings; frontispiece to a manual on phrenology. Steel engraving by J.D. Nargeot, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • Try your bumps : buy Hudson's soap in dozens.
  • A system of phrenology / [George Combe].