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675 results filtered with: Group portraits
  • League of Nations' course for overseas health officers, Great Britain, February to April 1924: group portrait of attendees on the steps of the Palace of Nations, Geneva. Photograph, 1924.
  • Sir Joseph Banks and Daniel Charles Solander. Line engraving, 1778.
  • Louis Cobbett and Alfred Clark in the Pathology Department of Cambridge University. Copy photograph, ca. 1960 after the original photograph, ca. 1905 (?).
  • The Royal Naval Exhibition at Chelsea: exhibits and visitors. Wood engraving by R. Taylor & Co., ca. 1900 (?).
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine: staff standing on the steps. Photograph, 1961.
  • Antiquaries: twenty portraits of historians. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a hypnotised patient at the Salpêtrière. Etching by A. Lurat, 1888, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1887.
  • Popes and other churchmen: twenty portraits. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • The school of Athens: a gathering of Greek philosophers disputing with Saint Paul the Apostle. Engraving by G. Ghisi, 1550, after Raphael.
  • Prince Chulalongkorn of Siam [Thailand] (seated, centre), with Prince Bhanugrangsi Savanwongse (standing next to him) and Prince Kasemsan Sophak (standing, right). Photograph by John Thomson, 1866.
  • A family, all members wearing grotesque masks, the father in drag. Photographic postcard, ca. 1910.
  • Fifteen professors at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Colour process print after C. Miksch, 1923.
  • Archbishop Affre, wounded in the June 1848 insurrection, is carried back to his residence to die. Lithograph by V. Adam and A. Maurin, 1848.
  • The Medical Mission for Experts on their visit to India: group portrait includes Sir Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys (front row, centre right) and Henry E. Sigerist (back row, second from right). Photograph after a photograph by Kundan Lal, ca. 1950.
  • The death of General Wolfe, at Quebec, in the background are soldiers and ships. Engraving by J. Rogers after B. West, the elder, 1770.
  • Charles Sherrington (left), Leon Fredericq (seated) and Paul Grützner (right) outside the Institute of Physiology in Liège. Copy photograph (1940?) after the 1898 original.
  • XIth International Physiological Congress, Edinburgh, 1923: delegates. Photograph by Debenham, 1923.
  • The death of General Sir John Moore at Corunna: he is supported by a Highlander as Hardinge hastens to help him, in the background more soldiers. Engraving after J. Trumbull.
  • Kaifeng Women's Hospital, Henan Province, China in 1913. Photographs 1921-1935.
  • Three churchmen: John Wesley, William Paley, and Beilby Porteus. Engraving.
  • Hygiene Section: 17th International Congress of Medicine, London, 1913: group portrait. Photograph, 1913.
  • Distinguished British men of science 1807-1808 assembled in the library of the Royal Institution, London. Mezzotint by W. Walker and G. Zobel after F. Skill and W. Walker, ca. 1860, after Sir J. Gilbert.
  • Paul Zweifel performing a gynaecological operation. Process print, 1922.
  • Annual reunion of neurologists at the Salpêtrière hospital, 1926. Photograph, 1926.
  • Panama Canal construction workers (American and European) dining in the Isthmian Canal Commission (I.C.C.) hotel, Culebra. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science: the president-elect and presidents of departments. Wood engraving, 1883.
  • King Edward VI granting his Royal Charter to Bridewell Hospital. Engraving by G. Vertue, 1750, after a painting by G. Scrots.
  • A lecture on pneumatics at the Royal Institution, London. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1802.
  • William Worrall Mayo with his sons Charles Horace Mayo (left) and William James Mayo (right). Copy photograph after the ca. 1895 original, 1930/1940.
  • John Dalton shaking hands with Gerrit Moll, 1834, thanking him for defending British science. Coloured etching by Crichton.