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141 results filtered with: Bandages and bandaging
  • Bandaging techniques for use in first aid. Lithograph, ca. 1900.
  • Officers recuperating on board the "Hercules", Hong Kong. Wood engraving after G.W. Cooke (?), 1858.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale at the Scutari Hospital. Line engraving by G. Greatbach after J. Hind.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers being tended at Klip's Drift. Process print after R. Thiele.
  • A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • Nurses being lectured on bandaging using a mannequin on a hospital ward. Drawing by J. Belon.
  • A surgical operation to remove a malignant tumour from a man's left breast and armpit in a Dublin drawing room, 1817. Watercolour, ca 1913, after a watercolour, 1817.
  • A military surgeon amputating the arm of soldier in the open air. Lithograph by F. le Villain.
  • French Military Hospital at Marienburg. Etching by F. Schroerder, 1807, after Loeilott after A. Roehn.
  • A surgical operation to remove a malignant tumour from a man's left breast and armpit in a Dublin drawing room, 1817. Watercolour, ca 1913, after a watercolour, 1817.
  • Treating the wounded after a battle. Tinted mezzotint by J.C. Rugendas, 17--, after G.P. Rugendas the elder, 1695.
  • Crimean War: Sisters of Charity nursing wounded soldiers from the Battle of Inkerman. Coloured lithograph by Le Par (?), 1855.
  • Franco-Prussian War: convalescent soldiers in Bordeaux. Wood engraving by G.P., ca.1870.
  • A ward in a military hospital showing two convalescents and two bed-ridden patients. Wood engraving after Cham, 1870.
  • Two surgeons treating the same patient, one is removing an arrow from his chest whilst the other is boring a hole into the patient's knee accompanied by two assistants and an onlooker. Pen drawing by ZS.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian tending the frail and the sick. Line engraving by N. Picart, 1675.
  • The rich visiting the poor and needy bringing alms, with a quote from the Bible. Line engraving by B. Baron, 1728, after a painting attributed to Frans Francken I.
  • Crimean War: recuperating soldiers being nursed. Wood engraving by L. Huard.
  • The good Samaritan tending the wounds of a beaten robbed man. Etching by W. Cooke, 1807, after C.N.R. Lafonde.
  • Boer War: a Red Cross workber being shot in the line of duty while attending a patient. Process print by H.H.
  • A surgeon dressing the wound of a grimacing patient. Colour aquatint by A. Schlicht, 1788, after A. Brouwer.
  • The good samaritan helps a stranger by the roadside by pouring oil and wine on to his wounds. Woodcut.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: one patient has his leg dressed, another gets injected and two nurses roll a bandage. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • Franco-Prussian War: showing a waiting room at Chemin de Fer l'Ouest used as a hospital. Wood engraving by P. de Kartow.
  • A surgeon dressing the wound of a grimacing patient. Lithograph by N. Strixner after A. Brouwer.
  • A surgeon applying a plaster with syrup from l'Isle de Candie to a patient's head. Engraving.
  • A nun of the order of St. Vincent de Paul dressing a wounded soldier's leg. Wash drawing by E. de Feu, 1832.
  • A leg bandaged to just below the knee. Stipple engraving by J. Bell.
  • Sixteen diagrams illustrating different bandages and how to apply them to the human body. Line engraving.