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752 results filtered with: Fund Raising
  • Crusaid, the national fundraiser for Aids announce their central London charity shop : at 21a Upper Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 1SN ... / Crusaid.
  • The Red Ribbon International Visa card : our lowest rate ever for you and a great help to us : 2.9% APR balance transfer rate (fixed for 6 months) / MBNA International.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I want to give more than money : a little time... a little effort... a dash of salt and pepper... / The Food Chain.
  • The best hope yet... / AVERT, AIDS Education & Research Trust.
  • Body Positive : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • Hospital Saturday Fund : [fold-out presentation album of T. Stevens and W.H. Grant's 14 street collection flags from between 1886 to 1897 with a 1996 congratulatory telegram from Mr. and Mrs. Eusden and their business card].
  • Music for life : musicals, jazz, opera, recitals and more for all the family ; Sunday 7 June 1992 / Crusaid.
  • Le bal des célibataires : dimanche 1er décembre 2013 / Séropotes Paris.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • [Bookmark asking for help for the Fench Red Cross to aleviate children dying of a lack of milk, hygiene, baby linen, medical care, air and light. There is an advert for Citiba rayon stockings on the back].
  • Walk for life : a 10km sponsored stroll along the Thames : Sunday 23rd June 2002 : followed by a fantastic funfair finale / Crusaid.
  • With best wishes : London Lighthouse wishes you a very happy 1993 / London Lighthouse.
  • Concert of hope : Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales, Wet Wet Wet : with very special guests Eternal, Bitty McLean, Squeeze : Wembley Arena 1st December 1995, World AIDS Day / The Rod Gunner Organisation in association with Andrew Miller and the Precious Organisation.
  • [British Red Cross Society leaflet about their international tracing and message service].
  • The Red Ribbon International Visa card : no annual fee, just 4.9% APR on balance transfers / MBNA International.
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • The Red Ribbon International Visa card : no annual fee, just 4.9% APR on balance transfers / MBNA International.
  • To the lighthouse : the 5th cycle ride : Sunday 13 September 1992 ...
  • [Fund raising sticker for the Austrian Red Cross featuring Karl Erzherzog].
  • Music for life : musicals, jazz, opera, recitals and more for all the family ; Sunday 7 June 1992 / Crusaid.
  • [British Red Cross Society leaflet about their international tracing and message service].
  • State of the Gloucester Infirmary for the year 1820.
  • Adventure Picures presents a film by Sally Potter based on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando : Tilda Swinton, with Quentin Crisp as Elizabeth I : Charity premiere and party in aid of London Lighthouse & Breakthrough : Wednesday March 10th 1993.
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • Your 1999 priority order form / National AIDS Trust ; Prof. Michael Adler, Chairman.
  • [Leaflet describing the work of the British Red Cross Society asking for donations and volunteers].
  • Here's your chance to do something positive about AIDS : make a donation today to The Terrence Higgins Trust / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • [8 February 1942 concert programme in aid of the British Red Cross Society. Held at the Ritz Cinema, Bowes Road, Edmonton, London].
  • Join Runrig members in the Take Care Fun Run : Saturday 9th May 1992 : supporting SOLAS, Edinburgh's new HIV/AIDS centre and ESCA charities.