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98 results filtered with: Therapeutics
  • Queen Mary I touching the neck of a boy for the King's evil (scrofula). Watercolour by M.S. Lapthorn, 1911, after a watercolour, 16th. century.
  • Der gantzen Artzenei ge-meyner Inhalt, Wes einem Artzt, bede in der Theoric und Practic zusteht. Mit anzeyge be-werter Artzneienn, zü allen leibichen Gebrechenn, / durch natürliche mittel, Hiebei beneben des menschen corpers Anatomei, warhafft Contrafeyt, und beschriben. Allen Artz-ten, und eim ieden zu sein selbs, unnd seins nehsten noturfft dienlich, wol zu haben und zuwissen. Newlich in Truck verordnet durch D. Ioan. Dryandrum Medicum, Ordinarium zu Marpurgi. ... Cum gratia & priuilegio Imperiali.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to Ragotin, who believes his body has swelled in his sleep. Engraving by G. Huquier the elder after J.B. Oudry.
  • A sick man holding his head, leaning on a pile of books and mixing a dose of medicine for himself. Mezzotint by A. Huffam, 1826, after M.W. Sharp.
  • Bazilica chymica, et praxis chymiatricæ, or Royal and practical chymistry in three treatises. Wherein all those excellent medicines and chymical preparations are fully discovered, from whence our modern chymists have drawn their choicest remedies / Being a translation of Oswald Crollius his Royal chymistry, augmented and inl. by John Hartman. To which is added his Treatise of signatures of internal things. Or, A true and lively anatomy of the greater and lesser world. As also the Practice of chymistry of John Hartman, M.D., augmented and inlarged by his son [G.E. Hartmann]. All faithfully Englished by a lover of chymistry.
  • A sheet of designs of labels for a French pharmacist, Fialon-Bataille. Etching.
  • The English physitian: or an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick ... / By Nich. Culpeper.
  • Der gantzen Artzenei ge-meyner Inhalt, Wes einem Artzt, bede in der Theoric und Practic zusteht. Mit anzeyge be-werter Artzneienn, zü allen leibichen Gebrechenn, / durch natürliche mittel, Hiebei beneben des menschen corpers Anatomei, warhafft Contrafeyt, und beschriben. Allen Artz-ten, und eim ieden zu sein selbs, unnd seins nehsten noturfft dienlich, wol zu haben und zuwissen. Newlich in Truck verordnet durch D. Ioan. Dryandrum Medicum, Ordinarium zu Marpurgi. ... Cum gratia & priuilegio Imperiali.