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215 results filtered with: Fishes
  • A cat pawing at goldfish in a bowl. Lithograph after R. Seymour.
  • The incarnations of Vishnu. Gouache drawing.
  • Three spade fish (Chaetodipterus faber) swimming in the sea. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • Fisher-folk and their net-making equipment. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Zayn Al-Din.
  • Two fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Tobit is cured of his blindness. Etching after G. Zocchi.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • Fisher-folk and their methods of work. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Twenty eight types of fish. Engraving by R. Scott after T. Brown.
  • Two fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish swimming. Colour woodcut, 18--.
  • A dissection of a female ray or skate. Etching.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Sidon, with fishermen and other figures in the foreground. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1843.
  • [Phytobasanos] sive plantarum aliqvot historia. In qva describvntvr diversi generis plantæ veriores, ac magis facie, viribúsque respondentes antiquorum Theophrasti, Diocoridis, Plinij, Galeni, aliorúmque delineationibus, ab alijs hucusque non animaduersæ / Fabio Colvmna avctore. Accessit etiam piscivm aliqvot, plantarúmque nouarum historia eodem auctore.
  • A fallow deer, perch and four wading or water birds. Wood engraving by M. U. Sears, 18--.
  • Fish (Puffer Fish?): lateral and ventral views. Watercolour by Bhawani Das.
  • Fisher-folk, and their net-making equipment. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • A type of herring. Etching.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A sea perch. Etching.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.