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129 results filtered with: Laxatives
  • A native American grinding root vegetables to make the remedy marketed as Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, and other native American activities. Colour lithographs, ca. 1900.
  • The efficacy and extent of true purgation : shewing, I. what this operation is; not as vulgarly understood. II. how performed in human body. III. by what means fitly to be done. IV. when; how oft; and in what cases to be used ... distinguished from promiscuous evacuations; iujuriously [sic] procured, and falsly reputed purging / by Everard Maynwaring.
  • [Leaflet advertising a range of herbal remedies from Seven Seas Health Care (Marfleet, Kingston-upon-Hull)].
  • Focus on paediatrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • Beecham's school quiz : sewing card : embroider, paint or crayon this design to your own colour scheme.
  • The modern medicament for relieving nasal catarrh, congestion, colds, hay fever, influenza, asthma, quinsy, bronchitis, sore throat or chest, headache, neuralgia, sprains, neuritis & rheumatic pains : Mentex / Foster McClellan Laboratories.
  • "Doctor Panurgus" curing the folly of his patients by purgative medicines and chemical cures. Line engraving attributed to Michael Droeshout, 16--.
  • Increase your sales with this effective display : if you would like this display material, please mark order card with a cross in the spaces indicated.
  • Byno-Cascada : a tonic laxative and digestive : April 1909.