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774 results filtered with: AIDS Serodiagnosis
  • Il a envie d'arrêter le préservatif : lui aussi / Ministère de la Santé, de la Jeunesse des Sports et de la Vie Associative ; INPES, Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé.
  • Statement on screening of international travellers for infection with Human Immunodeficency Virus / Special Programme on AIDS, World Health Organization.
  • Know the facts : HIV transmission and testing / NAT.
  • VIH/sida : après un risque... : contamination par le VIH: quels sont les symptômes? / AIDES.
  • AIDS, the test : yes or no? / Health Education Authority.
  • Urgent : faire avancer la lutte contre le SIDA, c'est faire avancer la société toute entière : en Ile-de-France l'association AIDES se rapproche de vous! / AIDES.
  • VIH/sida : après un risque... : contamination par le VIH: quels sont les symptômes? / AIDES.
  • If you or your baby are having a blood or urine test...  / prepared by the Department of Health and the Central Office of information.
  • HIV/AIDS : "a ready guide" to services and facilities currently available in Lothian / Lothian Regional Council.
  • Taking the HIV test? / produced by Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team ; illustration by Mark Blann.
  • AIDS : don't die of ignorance : government information 1987 / issued by the Department of Health and Social Security.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 2, Positive result? / Positively Women.
  • Wellcozyme HIV 1+2 : code VK54/55 / Murex Diagnostics Limited.
  • HIV & AIDS : nothing to do with you? You can't ignore what's inside : sooner or later everyone's life will be touched by HIV & AIDS ... / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Le traitement post-exposition, que faire en cas de prise de risque face au VIH/SIDA? : le dépistage, pourquoi et comment connaître son statut sérologique? / Le Kiosque Infos Sida.
  • HIV counselling & support services / Greenwich District Hospital.
  • SEX... : free leaflet / The Terrence Higgins Trust ; painting illustrations by John Lupton ; design by Richard Green and Shelley Davies.
  • Thinking of testing for HIV? : if you are positive, the sooner you know the more you can do / Camden & Islington Community Health Servies NHS Trust, Crusaid, C.L.A.S.H.
  • What's s special about the Lloyd Clinic? : concerned about sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS? / text by the Department of Genito-Urinary Medicine, Guys Hospital, London ; design by the Health Promotion Unit of Lewisham & North Southwark District.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Où puis-je faire un test anonyme et gratuite? : VIH, virus du sida, IST, infection sexuellement transmissible / Conseil général Bouches-du-Rhône.
  • J' [erect penis with condom graphic] à Paris / Mairie de Paris.
  • Feel like starting over? : close talking : taking the time to talk about how you feel / Axis, C.L.A.S.H., Rubberstuffers.
  • HIV & AIDS in Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire / Health Promotion Service, Nuneaton, North Warwickshire NHS Trust.
  • Un monde sans sida est possible! : Envie d'agir avec nous? Urgent / AIDES.
  • I can be invisible and damage your health : I'm a sexually transmitted infection : see to it : sexual health (GUM) services in and around London / CHAPS, Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy.
  • HIV test, in control of health, start treatment on time : No HIV test, become ill, in hospital with AIDS / GMFA.
  • AIDS, the works. Number 1, Using and HIV / Mainliners and Immunity.
  • J'ai fait mon test... et toi? : savoir c'est pouvoir agir / African Positive Association ; avec le soutien de l'INPES.
  • HIV/AIDS : "a ready guide" to services and facilities currently available in Lothian / Lothian Regional Council.