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827 results filtered with: Plants, Cultivated
  • Four British garden plants, including a lily and delphinium: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1837.
  • Seven plants, including a chalice vine and fuchsia: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1833.
  • Australian fuchsia (Correa sp.): flowering stem with floral segments. Engraving by C. Dien and J. L. Perée, c.1798, after P. J. Redouté.
  • Seven garden plants, including a fuchsia and monkey flower: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1834.
  • An ornamental geranium (Geranium species): flowering stem. Watercolour.
  • A radish (Raphanus species): root and leaves. Watercolour.
  • Ten flowering plants, including two orchids and an iris. Coloured transfer lithograph, c. 1833.
  • Five flowering plants, including a sedge (Carex species) and stemless gentian (Gentiana acaulis). Colour nature print by A. Auer, c. 1853.
  • Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.): flowering and fruiting stem with separate fruit and seed. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1776.
  • Eight plants, including two passion flowers: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1833.
  • A purple iris (Iris sambucina): flower and leaf. Coloured engraving, c. 1792.
  • Pelargonium or geranium (Pelargonium bicolor): flowering stem. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1776.
  • Diplarrhena moroea Labill.: flowering and fruiting stem with floral segments. Engraving by C. Dien, c.1798, after P. J. Redouté.
  • A plant (Salvia indica L.) related to sage: two sections of a flowering stem. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • Stinking hellebore (Helleborus foetidus): flowering stem. Etching by N. Robert, c. 1660, after himself.
  • Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus): flowering stem. Colour mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • Eight plants, including a hellebore and amaryllis: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1834.
  • Female liane of Chilli (Lardizabala biternata Ruíz & Pavón): fruiting stem with tendrils and floral segments. Engraving by Heath, c.1798, after Prevost.
  • A tropical orchid (Miltonia spectabilis var. Moreliana): flowering plant. Chromolithograph by L. Stroobant, c. 1863, after himself.
  • Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • An Anemone plant: two flowering stems, one in outline only. Etching, c. 1787.
  • Japanese matsuzaki iris (Iris kaempferi cv.): mauve flowers and leaves. Watercolour.
  • Tea plant (Camellia sinensis): flowering stem. Watercolour.
  • Eight plants, including three orchids and a hawthorn: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1836.
  • Trefoil (Lotus gracilis): entire flowering and fruiting plant with separate floral segments. Coloured etching after J. Schütz, c.1802.
  • Ten flowering plants, including two orchids and an Hibiscus species. Coloured transfer lithograph, c. 1833.
  • A flowering branch of rhododendron. Watercolour.
  • An oleander plant (Nerium oleander): flowering stem. Coloured lithograph, c. 1850, after A. Bétrérnieux (?).
  • Rockrose (Cistus roseus Jacq.): entire flowering plant with separate fruit. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1776.
  • Seven garden plants, including an orchid and an amaryllis: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1837.