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827 results filtered with: Plants, Cultivated
  • Snowdon lily (Lloydia serotina): entire flowering plant. Coloured lithograph by W. G. Smith, c. 1863, after himself.
  • Hyssop (Hyssopus lopanthus). Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1772.
  • Cedar (Cedrus sp.): tree with separate segments of cones and leaves. Coloured engraving by J.J. or J.E. Haid, c.1750, after G.D.Ehret.
  • Pepper plant (Piper nigrum L.): fruiting stem. Line engraving after C. de Bruin, 1706.
  • Seven plants, including two orchids and a lobelia: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1837.
  • Seven flowering plants, all species of the genus Penstemon. Coloured lithograph.
  • Coffee plant (Coffea arabica): flowering and fruiting stem. Watercolour.
  • Three flowering plants: a garden dahlia (Dahlia cultivar), a calamint (Calamintha coccinea) and a verbena (Verbena tweediana). Coloured engraving by J. & J. Parkin.
  • Four British garden plants: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1834.
  • Seven plants, including a pear, an aster and two orchids: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1834.
  • A nectarine (Prunus persica var. nectarina): fruiting stem and section of fruit. Coloured zincograph by C. Rosenberg, c. 1850, after himself.
  • Sloe or blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.): flowering stem with separate fruit and segments of flower and fruit, also a description of the plant and its uses. Coloured line engraving by C.H.Hemerich, c.1759, after T.Sheldrake.
  • Peach plant (Prunus persica): flowers and fruit. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Scabious (Scabiosa loevigata): flowering and fruiting stem with rootstock, in two sections.. Coloured etching after J. Schütz, c.1802.
  • An orchid (?Laelia anceps): flowering stem. Watercolour.
  • A rose (Rosa species): flowering stem. Etching by N. Robert, c. 1660, after himself.
  • A striped petunia plant (Petunia x hybrida): flowering stem. Chromolithograph, c. 1879, after F. Hulme.
  • A yucca plant (Yucca gloriosa): flowering stem and whole plant. Coloured engraving by F. Sansom, c. 1810, after S. Edwards.
  • Violet (Viola declinata): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching after J. Schütz, c.1802.
  • Seven plants, all species of the genus Zephyranthes: flowering stems. Coloured lithograph.
  • The flower of a giant water lily (Victoria amazonica) Coloured lithograph, c. 1850, after C. Rosenberg.
  • A flowering shrub, possibly Dipelta. Watercolour.
  • Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.): flowering stem with separate fruit and seed. Coloured etching after F.A. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • Four types of hellebore (Helleborus species): flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured lithograph.
  • A plant (Senecio kaempferi): variegated leaf and entire potted plant. Coloured zincograph by J. Andrews, c. 1861, after himself.
  • A magnolia: flowering stem. Coloured pencil drawing by H. Paw.
  • Citron (Citrus medica): flowering branch. Colour and coloured mezzotint, c. 1741.
  • A Christmas rose or black hellebore (Helleborus niger): flowering stem. Etching by N. Robert, c. 1660, after himself.
  • Cape pondweed or water hawthorn (Aponogeton distachyus): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured engraving by F. Sansom, c. 1810, after S. Edwards.
  • Seven garden plants, including a glory pea and two orchids: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1837.