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7 results filtered with: Canadian Hemophilia Society
  • Painted figures reach up towards the world representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, December 1st, by the National AIDS Strategy [Canada]. Colour lithograph by Vivian Reiss and Quorum Graphics.
  • Painted figures reach up towards the world representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, December 1st, by the National AIDS Strategy [Canada]. Colour lithograph by Vivian Reiss and Quorum Graphics.
  • Adult hands reach out for a child's hand representing an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week 4th to 10th October 1993 by the Candian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Jules de Niverville.
  • Silhoutte of figure with heart with three other figures in background; an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week October 5 to 11, 1992 by the Canadian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Tohu Bohu, 1992.
  • Silhouette of figure with heart with three other figures in background; an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week October 5 to 11, 1992 by the Canadian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Tohu Bohu, 1992.
  • A group of men and women wearing t-shirts bearing AIDS-related logo's including 'condom' and 'Am I HIV?'; an advertisement for AIDS Week on October 3-9, 1994 by La Société Canadienne du SIDA. Colour lithograph by Daniel Collins.
  • Adult hands reach out for a child's hand representing an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week 4th to 10th October 1993 by the Candian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Jules de Niverville.