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59 results filtered with: Morris, William, 1834-1896
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • De frugum historia liber unus. Ejusdem epistolae duae, una de farre, chondro, trago, ptisana, crimino et alica. Altera de zytho et cerevisia / [Rembert Dodoens].
  • De consolatione philosophiae / [Boethius].
  • Kreutterbuch. Von aller Kreutter, Gethier, Gesteyne unnd Metal, Natur, Nutz und Gebrauch. Distillier Zeug und Bericht, allerhandt kostbarliche Wasser zubrennen, halten unnd gebrauchen / [Eucharius Rösslin].
  • De frugum historia liber unus. Ejusdem epistolae duae, una de farre, chondro, trago, ptisana, crimino et alica. Altera de zytho et cerevisia / [Rembert Dodoens].
  • Cosmographiae universalis libri VI in quibus ... describuntur, omnium habitabilis orbis partes situs, propriaeque dotes.
  • Quarta impressio ornatissima: continens omnes Galeni libros alias impressos ... Emittensque alios ejusdem libros nunquam cum aliis impressos / [Galen].
  • Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper, deres tungemaal, levemaade og forrige afgudsdyrkelse = Canuti Leemii De Lapponibus Finmarchiæ : eorumqve lingva, vita et religione pristina commentatio / med J.E. Gunneri ... anmaerkninger; og E.J. Jessen-S. ... Afhandling om de Norske Finners og Lappers hedenske religion. Canuti Leemii ... De Lapponibus Finmarchiae eorumque lingua, vita et religione pristina, commentatio ... una cum J.E. Gunneri notis; et E. J. Jessen-S. ... Tractatu singulari de Finnorum Lapponumque Norvegic. religione pagana. [In Danish and Latin].
  • De mundi et spherae ac utriusque partium declaratione cum planetis et variis signis historiatis / [Hyginus].
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Cosmographiae universalis libri VI in quibus ... describuntur, omnium habitabilis orbis partes situs, propriaeque dotes.
  • Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper, deres tungemaal, levemaade og forrige afgudsdyrkelse = Canuti Leemii De Lapponibus Finmarchiæ : eorumqve lingva, vita et religione pristina commentatio / med J.E. Gunneri ... anmaerkninger; og E.J. Jessen-S. ... Afhandling om de Norske Finners og Lappers hedenske religion. Canuti Leemii ... De Lapponibus Finmarchiae eorumque lingua, vita et religione pristina, commentatio ... una cum J.E. Gunneri notis; et E. J. Jessen-S. ... Tractatu singulari de Finnorum Lapponumque Norvegic. religione pagana. [In Danish and Latin].
  • Somma de aritmetica, geometria, proporzioni, e proporzionalitá, etc / [Luca Pacioli].
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Kreutterbuch. Von aller Kreutter, Gethier, Gesteyne unnd Metal, Natur, Nutz und Gebrauch. Distillier Zeug und Bericht, allerhandt kostbarliche Wasser zubrennen, halten unnd gebrauchen / [Eucharius Rösslin].
  • Dialogus creaturarum / [Nicolaus].
  • Cosmographiae universalis libri VI in quibus ... describuntur, omnium habitabilis orbis partes situs, propriaeque dotes.
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • De sermonum proprietate / [Rabanus Maurus].
  • Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris. Or, a garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp: with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes & fruites, for meate or sause vsed with vs: and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge, planting, and preseruing of them, and their vses and vertues / Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London 1629.
  • Cosmographiae universalis libri VI in quibus ... describuntur, omnium habitabilis orbis partes situs, propriaeque dotes.
  • Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris. Or, a garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp: with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes & fruites, for meate or sause vsed with vs: and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge, planting, and preseruing of them, and their vses and vertues / Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London 1629.
  • Hülff, Trost und Rath in allem Anligen der Menschen ... zwei Trostbücher, von Artznei und Rath beyde im gůten und widerwertigen Glück / [Francesco Petrarca].
  • Cosmographiae universalis libri VI in quibus ... describuntur, omnium habitabilis orbis partes situs, propriaeque dotes.
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Here begynneth the orcharde of Syon, in the whiche is conteyned the Revelacyons of Seynt Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous plants for the helthe of mannes soule / [Catherine].
  • Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper, deres tungemaal, levemaade og forrige afgudsdyrkelse = Canuti Leemii De Lapponibus Finmarchiæ : eorumqve lingva, vita et religione pristina commentatio / med J.E. Gunneri ... anmaerkninger; og E.J. Jessen-S. ... Afhandling om de Norske Finners og Lappers hedenske religion. Canuti Leemii ... De Lapponibus Finmarchiae eorumque lingua, vita et religione pristina, commentatio ... una cum J.E. Gunneri notis; et E. J. Jessen-S. ... Tractatu singulari de Finnorum Lapponumque Norvegic. religione pagana. [In Danish and Latin].
  • Di Lucio Vitruuio Pollione De architectura libri dece / traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati: co[m]mentati: & con mirando ordine insigniti.
  • Quarta impressio ornatissima: continens omnes Galeni libros alias impressos ... Emittensque alios ejusdem libros nunquam cum aliis impressos / [Galen].