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5 results filtered with: Swammerdam, Jan, 1637-1680
  • The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, displayed in the anatomical analysis of many species, and illustrated with copper-plates ... / by John Swammerdam, M.D. With the life of the author, by Herman Boerhaave, M.D. Translated from the Dutch and Latin original edition by Thomas Flloyd.
  • The uterus, after Swammerdam, De Graaf and Cheselden. Etching, 1743.
  • The intestines. Engraving, 1686.
  • The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, displayed in the anatomical analysis of many species, and illustrated with copper-plates ... / by John Swammerdam, M.D. With the life of the author, by Herman Boerhaave, M.D. Translated from the Dutch and Latin original edition by Thomas Flloyd.
  • Johann Swammerdamm ... Bibel der Natur, worinnen die Insekten in gewisse Classen vertheilt, sorgfältig beschrieben, zergliedert, in saubern Kupferstichen vorgestellt, mit vielen Anmerkungen über die Seltenheiten der Natur erleutert, und zum beweis der allmacht und weisheit des sch·opfers angewendt werden. Nebst Hermann Boerhave Vorrede von dem Leben des Verfassers. Aus dem Holländischen übersetzt / [Jan Swammerdam].