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16 results filtered with: William Hogarth
  • In a chamber containing stuffed animals, a globe and astrological devices Hudibras, about to draw his sword, startles Sidrophel and Whacum. Aquatint by Rosenburg, 1799, after William Hogarth.
  • Soldiers, Infantry, being paid their wages by the Roman government, while the Cavalry are seen fending for themselves
  • Example of Beheading, a Roman military punishment carried out by the use of a axe or sword
  • Example of a Roman military punishment for Adultery, where the feet of the soldier were tied to two branches of trees bent down, which being suddenly let free, tore the offender apart.
  • The Roman miliary punishment of Humiliation either by taking away the Military Belt or Girdle or by making the offender do a task that is beneath them, more a temporary or part of a punishment
  • A Roman soldier being dismissed or discharged from the Roman Military
  • Roman military punishment showing the breaking of the legs of slaves or persons of an inferiour level.
  • Example of two types of beating in Roman military punishment showing a beating either by sticks or rods
  • Beer Street by William Hogarth
  • Engraving: scene from Sterne's Tristram
  • Example of a Roman military punishment, soldiers being sold into slavery and servitude
  • Example of Decimation, a Roman military punishment where every tenth man sufferes death
  • Hogarth's Marriage a la mode, The Quack Doctor's Studio
  • Roman soldier being punished by his peers
  • Example of Roman military punishment: Banishment
  • Example of Recipitation, or throwing headlong, over a cliff and crusification, Roman military punishments for disertion