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67 results filtered with: Photocopies
  • A woman standing next to a wall with a quote about how she slept with a man who had HIV; an advertisement for Local Sexual Health Clinics by the Community AIDS Resource Team, Auckland Sexual and Health Services. Photocopy.
  • Advert for a meeting in Berlin about HIV and homeopathy
  • The words 'AIDS' forming the centre of a maze with four figures on the outside holding maps in an attempt to find their way in, an illustration by Ingram Pinn; an advertisement for a meeting in Berlin about HIV and homeopathy by Dr Karin Bandelin and Dr Almut Gestrich on 26 October 1993 at the headquarters of Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men. Photocopy, 1993.
  • Tjenbé Rèd! : Questions noires - métisses - LGBT - outre-mer - Hexagone / Tjenbé Rèd Prévention, association de prévention des racismes, des homophobies & du sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes.
  • The letters 'CAA' incorporated within the words 'Cork Aids Alliance' and surrounded by dotted arrows. Photocopy.
  • This is to give notice, to all gentlemen, ladies, and others, that there is arriv'd at this place a little wild man, born in St. David's Streights, aged 27 years : he is 34 inches high, streight, very well proportioned ...
  • Dear colleague, we recently announced details of the HIV/AIDS summer campaign in the June issue of HEADLINES ... / Dr. Spencer Hagard, Chief executive, Health Education Authority.
  • An advertisement for the premiere of the film 'The mask' on 1 December 1994 at the Kinepolis in Brussels to mark World AIDS Day in support of AIDS. Photocopy.
  • Exhibition of works by Rosa Reiter artistic group represented by a collage of a painting and sculptures. Colour photocopy, 1995.
  • President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush represented as members of "the Rich White Penis Club", with speech bubbles; anti-government protest about US AIDS policies by Enema Productions. Photocopy.
  • Tjenbé Rèd! : Questions noires - métisses - LGBT - outre-mer - Hexagone / Tjenbé Rèd Prévention, association de prévention des racismes, des homophobies & du sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes.
  • Two arms joining to form the shape of the AIDS red ribbon against a map of the world surrounded by the words: "Shared rights. Shared responsibility"; an advertisement for an event on Friday 1 December 1995 to commemorate World AIDS Day held in the high school hall of Locarno by Aiuto AIDS Ticino. Photocopy.
  • SIDA, droits, malades, précaires, besoin d'aide?... : séropos, ne restons pas seules face à nos droits! / ACT UP Paris.
  • The face of Peter Barton Wilson, Governor of California (1991-1999) with the message "Pete Wilson wants to kill you"; protest poster about U.S. government policies on health care. Photocopy.
  • A music event organised by RockAIDS featuring a number of bands including The Real People. Photocopy.
  • A line-drawn male nude standing figure with one arm raised to his shoulder, the other down by his side representing an advertisement for a lecture on the possibilities and limitations of naturopathic treatment of HIV and AIDS with Dr. Misha Ruth Cohen, San Francisco, Dr. of Oriental Medicine, Quan Yin Healing Center and Dr. Juliane Sacher, Frankfurt, naturopathic physician with a focus on treating HIV and AIDS; an event organised by Kursiv, an AIDS project for Schwulenberatung on Tuesday, 4 May [1993?]. Photocopy.
  • Crumpled bed linen with the words 'The sex was so hot ... it was fatal'; advertising Local Sexual Health Clinics by the Community AIDS Resource Team, Auckland Sexual and Health Services. Photocopy.
  • A man wearing a check sleeveless shirt open at the chest with his hands in his pockets representing an advertisement for a selection of documentary films about HIV and AIDS including a film entitled 'Voices from the Front" by the German actor/film producer and gay activist, Manfred Salzgeber; an event organised by Kursiv, Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men in Berlin. Photocopy, 1995.
  • A man pulling a condom over his face; advertising a screening of short films on protection against AIDS. Print, 1995, after drawing by R. Topor, 1993.
  • The sun in the '0' of the number '10' with a list of statistics about AIDS and HIV in New Zealand representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1 December 1993 by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Capital Coast Health. Photocopy.
  • The words 'AIDS' forming the centre of a maze with four figures on the outside holding maps in an attempt to find their way in; an illustration by Ingram Pinn advertising a meeting in Berlin for alternative forms of therapy for those with HIV and AIDS; held on 11 January 1994 at the headquarters of Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men. Photocopy, 1994.
  • HIV and AIDS events by Schwulenberatung
  • An advertisement for an information evening on naturopathy and HIV with Dieter Wolf, physician and director of clinical research for naturopathy at Moabit hospital organised by Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men. Photocopy, ca. 1995.
  • Please find enclosed the list of the posters and postcards which you have received I hear from us ... : I have also composed a few lines regarding the background to the campaign which I hope meets your needs : "Take Care" AIDS Awareness Campaign ... / Jenny McDermott, assistant archivist, Lothian Health Services Archive.
  • A group of cartoon male figures sit chatting around a small coffee table adorned with cups and a teapot by Rob [?] representing an advertisement for Schwulenberatung, an open discussion group for gay men in Berln. Photocopy, ca. 1993.
  • Two men sit in discussion next to a teapot and cups, two triangles joined at the point with the letters 'H,E and S' and a film camera representing an advertisement for a series of films about HIV and AIDS by Kursiv and ACT Up. Photocopy, 1993.
  • A sun in the '0' of the number '10' with a list of statistics about AIDS and HIV in New Zealand representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1 December 1993 by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Capital Coast Health.
  • Artwork exhibited at an AIDS painting workshop in Elmshorn, Germany. Photocopy, 1994.
  • AIDS and the family: a mother with a child, and a man embraced by his family as he dies of AIDS; advertising an evening in Berlin in 1994 for those affected by HIV and AIDS. Photocopy, 1994.
  • The gnarled hands of 'sin' reaching out towards a woman in a figure-hugging dress representing 'lust' with a couple and a figure of death beside a grave; one of 4 drawings by students of C. C. Sweeting Senior High School, Nassau, Bahamas for World AIDS Day, November 1993. Photocopy reproduced from a drawing, 1993.