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6 results filtered with: Carbuncle
  • An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors". Coloured aquatint after J. Gillray, 1801.
  • An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors". Coloured aquatint after J. Gillray, 1801.
  • A doctor trying to administer medicines to a drunken, carbuncled sailor. Coloured etching by W. Elmes after XYZ.
  • An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors". Coloured aquatint after J. Gillray, 1801.
  • A carbuncled woman retiring to bed; creating a satirical figure of female vanity. Coloured wood engraving.
  • A self-indulgent man afflicted with gout: the pain is represented by a demon burning his foot. Coloured lithograph by G. Cruikshank, 1818, after Captain Hehl.