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49 results filtered with: Cholera
  • A treatise on asiatic cholera / edited and prepared by Edmund Charles Wendt ; in association with John C. Peters [and others].
  • A group of doctors parade a dummy with a skeleton's head representing cholera: a group of people run screaming from it. Coloured lithograph by H. Heath, 1832.
  • An allegory of cholera mortality. Etching by A. Burdet after A. Raffet.
  • Crowded dark streets full of dead and dying people, bodies are being loaded on to a cart; representing cholera. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint Gaetano, Saint Roch, Saint Martha, and Saint Januarius with scenes from a cholera epidemic below. Lithograph by F. Apicella, ca. 1884.
  • Visitors to the gardens of the Horticultural Society of London in Chiswick, among whom is a man who rushes off believing he has an attack of the cholera. Coloured etching by H. Heath, 1831.
  • Cholera Hospital, Oxford: near the Oxford Canals. Line engraving by J. Fisher after T. Taylor junior.
  • A man with cholera buried prematurely. Photograph after painting by A. J. Wiertz.
  • London Board of Health searching the city for cholera during the 1832 epidemic. Lithograph, 1832.
  • A man vomiting and with diarrhoea owing to infected water; and four scenes related to the results of water infection. Colour lithograph, 1952 (?).
  • The Virgin of Succour as Intercessor against cholera; above an appearance of the Trinity and the Holy Cross. Coloured etching.
  • A French lady visiting cholera sufferers in hospital. Lithograph by Adèle Prieur, 1832.
  • Men, women, and children praying at a shrine by the roadside during the 1873 cholera epidemic in Poland. Wood engraving by H. Woods, 1873.
  • Disposal of dead bodies during the cholera epidemic of 1835 in Palermo. Lithograph by G. Castagnola.
  • A treatise on asiatic cholera / edited and prepared by Edmund Charles Wendt ; in association with John C. Peters [and others].
  • A treatise on asiatic cholera / edited and prepared by Edmund Charles Wendt ; in association with John C. Peters [and others].
  • John Bull being examined by eight doctors representing politicians, who diagnose his illness as cholera. Lithograph, ca. 1832.
  • Parisian police during the cholera outbreak of 1855. Reproduction of a coloured wood engraving after E. Lorsa.
  • A monkey dressed in preparation against the cholera epidemic. Etching, c. 1832.
  • Der Cholerakurs im Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte : Vorträge und bacteriologisches Praktikum / gehalten von R.J. Petri.
  • John Bull defending Britain against the invasion of cholera; comparing the Reform Bill to the cholera epidemic. Coloured lithograph, c. 1832.
  • A man barricades himself in with a panoply of protections against the cholera epidemic, the latter represented as a hag; representing an overabundance of useless advice concerning protection against cholera. Coloured etching by J.B. Wunder, c. 1832.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint Gaetano, Saint Roch, Saint Martha, and Saint Januarius with scenes from a cholera epidemic below. Lithograph by F. Apicella, ca. 1884.
  • M0012982: Map of Asia and Europe showing the spread of cholera
  • A man barricades himself in with a panoply of protections against the cholera epidemic, the latter represented as a hag; representing an overabundance of useless advice concerning protection against cholera. Coloured etching by J.B. Wunder, c. 1832.
  • John Bull defending Britain against the invasion of cholera; comparing the Reform Bill to the cholera epidemic. Coloured lithograph, c. 1832.
  • Broad Street (latterly Broadwick Street), Soho, with a white silhouette replica of the Broad Street pump identifed by John Snow as a source of cholera-infected water. Photograph.
  • Passengers on a ship undergoing quarantine examination during the Egyptian cholera epidemic of 1883. Wood engraving, 1883.
  • A figure dressed in a cholera safety suit. Coloured etching after J. Petzl (?), ca. 1832.
  • Pathways of cholera infection: water, food, etc; and methods of hygiene. Colour lithograph, 1952 (?).