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30 results filtered with: Dionysus (Greek deity)
  • Bacchus captured by sailors transforms them into dolphins. Engraving by J. Matham after D. Vinckeboons..
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Apollo presiding over a gentleman of sensual appetite; representing the sanguine temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne. Engraving by P.M. Vitali after A. von Maron, 1783.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne. Engraving by P.M. Vitali after A. von Maron, 1783.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus with attendant satyrs sits drinking by a cave as Venus appears to him and offers him a cup of love. Engraving by J. Audran after A. Coypel, 1704.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne on a chariot accompanied by bacchants, Silenus etc. Etching by P. Aquila after Annibale Carracci.
  • Electro-plating: three-quarter views of a statue, a wine-jug, and an electroplating bath. Engraving, c.1861.
  • Bacchus [Dionysus] and Ariadne. Engraving by P.S. van Gunst after Titian.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • The newly-born Virgin Mary is washed by maids; Bacchus waits by the bath. Etching by J. Audran.
  • Athenians wearing masks celebrate the vintage by dancing around a statue of Bacchus and sacrificing a goat to him. Engraving by P. Lombard, 1654, after F. Cleyn.
  • Bacchus, Ceres and Pomona with a cornucopia of fruit and corn. Etching by C. Schut I.
  • Bacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--, after G. Romano.
  • Bacchus carried on a chariot pulled by leopards, accompanied by a drunken procession of bacchants and satyrs, with Silenus and two elephants. Etching by P. Aquila after P. Berrettini da Cortona, 16--.
  • Palazzo Farnese, Rome: a wall of the gallery. Etching by P. Aquila after Annibale Carracci.
  • Silenus holding the infant Bacchus. Crayon manner print by J.F. Cazenave after Eugène Bourgeois.
  • Bacchus reclines while a satyr fills his bowl and Pan adorns his head with grapes. Etching after J. Ribera.
  • Apollo presiding over a gentleman of sensual appetite; representing the sanguine temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A man on a donkey and three drinkers toasting Bacchus: drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--, after A.Corelli.
  • The god Bacchus presenting wine to countrymen; left, Icarus being beaten by drunken men. Engraving by J. Matham after D. Vinckeboons.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne. Engraving by P.M. Vitali after A. von Maron, 1783.
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs: symbolising the element earth. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after F. Albani.
  • A drunken Bacchus cavorts atop the globe, accompanied by Fortune; to his right physicians and quacks fight for legitimacy; to his left the scales held by a blindfold Justice are tipped by a lawyer's money: an allegory of the world of justice and health overturned into one of chance and greed. Coloured etching by Daniël Veelwaard I after J. Smies, 1809.
  • A man on a donkey and three drinkers toasting Bacchus: drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--, after A.Corelli.
  • Silenus holding the infant Bacchus: view from the front left. Etching by F. Perrier.
  • Bacchus [Dionysus] supported by a faun and accompanied by a panther. Etching by F. Perrier, 1638.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne on a chariot accompanied by bacchants, Silenus etc. Engraving after C. Cesio after Annibale Carracci.
  • Bacchus being bathed by nymphs after being born from Jupiter's knee, his mother Semele is consumed by flames. Engraving by C. Patas after A. Borel after Rinaldo Mantovano.