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346 results filtered with: General Surgery
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • Guilhelmi Fabricii Hildani ... Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum centuriae, nunc primum in unum opus congestae, ac in duo volumina distributae. Quorum prius continet centurias I. II. & III / [Wilhelm Fabricius Hildanus].
  • Doctor Jeremy Snob / written by J.G. Maxwell.
  • A general system of surgery in three parts : containing the doctrine and management: I. Of wounds, fractures, luxations, tumors, and ulcers, of all kinds: II. Of the several operations performed on all parts of the body: III. Of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders ... To which is prefixed an introduction concerning the nature, origin, progress, and improvements of surgery with such other preliminaries as are necessary to be known by the younger surgeons. Translated into English from the Latin / of Laurence Heister.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • Antiseptic surgery : an address delivered at St Thomas's Hospital with the subsequent debate to which are added a short statement of the theory of the antiseptic method, a description of the materials employed in carrying it out, and some applications of the method to operations and injuries in different regions of the body, and to wounds received in war / by William MacCormac.
  • Kitāb al-khamsa / Muḥammad ʻAtā Allāh al-Ḳāḍī Shānīzādih.
  • La chirurgia di M. Rolando da Parma detto dei Cappezzuti : riproduzione del codice latino n. 1382 della R. Biblioteca casanatense Roma / volgarizzamento e note del Giovanni Carbonelli.
  • A course of operative surgery / with plates drawn from nature by M. Léveillé and coloured by hand under his direction ; by Christopher Heath.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • A system of surgery / By Benjamin Bell.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Frederici Ruyschii ... Observationum anatomico-chirurgicarum centuria : accedit Catalogus rariorum, quae in Museo Ruyschiano asservantur, adjectis ubique iconibus aeneis naturalem magnitudinem repraesentantibus / [Frederik Ruysch].
  • The Indian medical gazette.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Illustrations of clinical surgery : consisting of plates, photographs, woodcuts, diagrams, etc. illustrating surgical diseases, symptoms and accidents also operative and other methods of treatment / with descriptive letterpress by Jonathan Hutchinson.
  • Medical and chirurgical observations, as an appendix to a former publication / by Benjamin Gooch.
  • Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
  • La methode curative des playes, et fractures de la teste humaine. : Avec les pourtraits des instruments necessaires pour la curation d'icelles. / Par M. Ambroise Paré.
  • Guilhelmi Fabricii Hildani ... Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum centuriae, nunc primum in unum opus congestae, ac in duo volumina distributae. Quorum prius continet centurias I. II. & III / [Wilhelm Fabricius Hildanus].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • The transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association.
  • The medical and surgical reporter.
  • War surgery : from firing-line to base / by Basil Hughes and H.Stanley Banks ; with special chapters by L.F. Smith and C. Bilton ; and an introduction by T.Crisp English.
  • Ars chirurgica. A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books ... To which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica; or the medical store, Latin and English: which contains ... choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for the compleat ... practice both of physick and chirurgery / By William Salmon.