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177 results filtered with: Germany, East
  • A standing child, naked, viewed from the front; his shoulders are uneven. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • Anthropogenie, oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen ... Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte ... / [Ernst Haeckel].
  • Female, head and shoulders, face tilted toward left shoulder. Photograph by L. Haase, after H.W. Berend, 1863.
  • A young woman, front view, right forearm only partially completed. Drawing attributed to H.W. Berend, c. 1856.
  • Dr Simon Sparrow (played by Dirk Bogarde) spanking a nurse in the film 'Doctor at large'. Colour lithograph, 1959.
  • A woman with shears holding a sheep; representing June. Engraving.
  • A woman, head and shoulders, viewed from the front. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1863.
  • A man leaning to the right, gripping a tree trunk, seen from behind. Ink wash painting by C.E. Stölzel, 1820/1837(?).
  • A sick man projects his tongue while a doctor takes his pulse. Coloured lithograph.
  • A coal mine in the human brain; representing medical assistance by Tomasz Judym to industrial workers. Colour lithograph by Wongel, 1976.
  • Zur Auffassung der Aphasien : eine kritische Studie / von Sigm. Freud.
  • Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin.
  • Anthropogenie, oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen ... Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte ... / [Ernst Haeckel].
  • A woman's head and shoulders, her face is tilted to the right and her eyes are looking up. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1865.
  • Materials for protection of the body and respiratory system in civil defence: three figures. Colour lithograph, ca. 1984.
  • Hygiene measures in civil defence against radioactive, chemical and biological warfare. Colour lithograph, ca. 1984.
  • Procedures for using a protective face mask in civil defence: four figures. Colour lithograph, ca. 1984.
  • A naked young man, viewed from the front in full length; the top of his rib cage appears to be sunken. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A man, unclothed, viewed from behind in full-length, with semi-clenched fists. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1860.
  • A woman, viewed from behind, naked to the waist; revealing mobility of left shoulder. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1859.
  • Doctors disputing, the patient is ignored. Etching by D.N. Chodowiecki, 1781.
  • A man standing, naked, full-length, viewed from behind. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1861.
  • Wilhelm His Jr. Photogravure, 1913, after Nicola Perscheid, 1907.
  • Anthropogenie, oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen ... Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte ... / [Ernst Haeckel].
  • A man, head and shoulders; his face is contorted. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, c. 1865.
  • A bearded man, unclothed to his waist and viewed from behind; his left arm slightly raised. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1863.
  • A man's head and left shoulder, unclothed and viewed from the side. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1865.
  • Two men in a graveyard, one of them pointing to an ornate stone tomb, possibly to indicate the whereabouts of a third man to the second one. Etching attributed to J.W. Meil, 17--.
  • A woman's head and shoulders; her mouth is twisted into a grimace. Photograph by L. Haase after H.W. Berend, 1864.
  • A woman with her back unclothed. Photograph by L.Haase after H.W. Berend, 1859.