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28 results filtered with: Girls
  • Canton (Guangzhou), Kwangtung province, China: a girl. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • A girl looking through a window on a rainy day, disappointed that her walk outside will be cancelled. Photoengraving, 1857, after S. Anderson.
  • Two children are brought to the nurses of the Asylum for Female Orphans, Lambeth, London. Etching.
  • Swatow (Shantou), Kwangtung (Guangdong) province, China: a girl. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • To house-keepers! : Beware of peddlers who are trying to sell washing powders in place of Soapine ... / Kendall Manufacturing Company.
  • Advertisement : To all gentlemen and ladies . There are newly arriv'd two monstrous girls, being one of the greatest wonders in nature that was ever seen ; they were born with their backs fasten'd to one another, and the passages of their bodies are both one way ...
  • Two girls sitting in floral dresses on a beach, representing children with AIDS. Colour lithograph by Chris Taylor and HDM Eggert for Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland e.V.
  • A convalescing girl. Heliogravure by P. Dujardin after J.E. Millais, 1875.
  • A girl lies in a hayloft with her discarded hat beside her. Colour process print after Jessie Wilcox-Smith.
  • Lambeth Female Orphan Asylum (formerly Beddington Park): view of the grounds. Etching by Flemming after T. Allom.
  • A school girl being pulled away from a man offering her money for sex; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the IEC Unit, STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph [by Bayo, D.S.], 1993.
  • "Isabel": a woman outside her house in the country holding a letter from her departed lover. Woodcut and letterpress, ca. 1800.
  • London Society for the Protection of Young Females. Wood engraving.
  • Freemason's Charity for Female Children, Southwark, London: facade. Coloured etching by J. Pass after himself, 1814.
  • A girl's eyes. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Three young women are sitting at table in a garden having afternoon tea, with a large fruit cake. Colour wood engraving by E. Evans after Kate Greenaway.
  • Royal Freemasons' school for Female Children, Wandsworth, London. Wood engraving by C.D. Laing, 1851.
  • A school girl being pulled away from a man offering her money for sex; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Bayo, D.S., 1993.
  • A little girl in Elizabethan costume stands in a room trying to thread a needle. Etching by A. Boulard the younger after Laura Alma Tadema.
  • Girls at play in a garden: the frontispiece to Routledge's Every girl's annual. Coloured wood engraving by E. Evans after Kate Greenaway.
  • Girls watching cars cruise and pick up teenage prostitutes representing today's behaviour and tomorrow's results represented by a girl dying of AIDS in bed and a pregnant teenager; a warning about safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Advertisement : To all gentlemen and ladies . There are newly arriv'd two monstrous girls, being one of the greatest wonders in nature that was ever seen ; they were born with their backs fasten'd to one another, and the passages of their bodies are both one way ...
  • The two-headed girl : death of the double-headed Girl : duplex child - Rita-Christina.
  • Canton (Guangzhou), Kwangtung province, China: a girl. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • A girl playing at being a nurse by rubbing "Vick" ointment on the chest of a doll. Colour lithograph.
  • Swatow (Shantou), Kwangtung (Guangdong) province, China: a girl. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • To house-keepers! : Beware of peddlers who are trying to sell washing powders in place of Soapine ... / Kendall Manufacturing Company.
  • A small girl wearing a bonnet is sitting by a hut reading a book. Coloured stipple engraving.