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13 results filtered with: Guyana
  • The discoverie of the large rich, and bewtifvl empire of Gviana. With / a relation of the great and Golden Citie / of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El / Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, / Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Cou- / tries, with their riuers, ad- / ioyning. / Performed in the yeare 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh. Knight, Captaine of her / Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden / of the Stanneries, and her High- / nesse Lieutenant generall / of the Countie of / Cornewall / [Sir Walter Raleigh].
  • Three silhouette figures standing beside the open grave of an AIDS victim who falls in; a warning that AIDS leads to death by the National AIDS Programme of Guyana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A palm tree (Iriartella setigera (Mart.) H. Wendl.) in fruit in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • Charles Waterton in Guyana riding on the back of a cayman. Coloured etching by R. Cruikshank, 1827, after E. Jones.
  • The discoverie of the large rich, and bewtifvl empire of Gviana. With / a relation of the great and Golden Citie / of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El / Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, / Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Cou- / tries, with their riuers, ad- / ioyning. / Performed in the yeare 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh. Knight, Captaine of her / Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden / of the Stanneries, and her High- / nesse Lieutenant generall / of the Countie of / Cornewall / [Sir Walter Raleigh].
  • Murumuru palm tree (Astrocaryum murumuru Mart.) in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • A jauari palm tree (Astrocaryum jauari Mart.) growing on a river bank in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • Two banana plants (Musa species), one with fruit, in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • The discoverie of the large rich, and bewtifvl empire of Gviana. With / a relation of the great and Golden Citie / of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El / Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, / Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Cou- / tries, with their riuers, ad- / ioyning. / Performed in the yeare 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh. Knight, Captaine of her / Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden / of the Stanneries, and her High- / nesse Lieutenant generall / of the Countie of / Cornewall / [Sir Walter Raleigh].
  • A personified condom called 'Charlie' representing a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Guyana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A palm tree (Mauritiella armata (Mart.) Burret) in Guyana with a man and smaller palm in the distance. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • Giant water lilies (Victoria amazonica) on a lake bordered by two Guianan men and plants. Coloured lithographic reproduction of an engraving by M. Gauci, c. 1814, after C. Bentley.
  • A hut and its inhabitants with palm trees in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.