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8 results filtered with: Hemiplegia
  • M0011329: Illustration showing left leg before and after treatment of hemiplegia
  • A naked man with hemiplegia walking with a stick: (above) from the side, (below) from the front. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • M0011329: Illustration showing left leg before and after treatment of hemiplegia
  • A naked man with hemiplegia walking with a stick: (above) from the side, (below) from the front. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • M0011329: Illustration showing left leg before and after treatment of hemiplegia
  • A naked man with hemiplegia, walking with a crutch. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • M0011329: Illustration showing left leg before and after treatment of hemiplegia
  • Agli incliti medici Giuseppe Giorgi e Francesco Formasini : per le solerti loro cure fatto salvo di una minaccia di emiplegia questo sonetto a perpetua d'onore emoria riconoscente D. D. nel Marzo 1841 / Carlo Bertuzzi ; [poem] del dott. Vincenzo Peri.