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172 results filtered with: Hospital wards
  • New York State Soldiers' Depot, New York City: the hospital. Colour lithograph, 1864.
  • Hospital for Incurables, Blackwell Island, New York. Wood engraving by W.S.L. Jewett.
  • Nurses being lectured on bandaging using a mannequin on a hospital ward. Drawing by J. Belon.
  • World War I: a ward in the London Hospital in which a nurse tends a soldier's arm while other soldiers lie in bed. Oil painting after Sir J. Lavery.
  • A man consulting a physician who examines a flask of his urine. Engraving, 1644.
  • A nun holding a medicine spoon with her hospital behind her. Watercolour drawing.
  • Franco-Prussian War: soldiers convalescing in the Palais Royale Military hospital. Etching by H. Tissot, 1870.
  • Christmas day in a ward of a hospital. Watercolour by Nurse Dakin(?), 1917-1918.
  • M0007501: Interior of the Lister Ward, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow
  • Scenes of nurses at St Saviour's Hospital, Regent's Park, London. Wood engraving, 1886.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: a ward with patients and nurses. Photograph by Marshall, Keene & Co.
  • St. John of God carrying a sick patient from a hospital ward. Line engraving by G. Petrini.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary bringing food for the inmates of a hospital. Oil painting by Adam Elsheimer, ca. 1598.
  • A nun brings some refreshment to a feverish patient, with a poem by Legouvé. Coloured lithograph by J.P. Moynet, 1846.
  • Queen Alexandra visiting the sick in the Patrick ward, Dublin Hospital for the Dying, Ireland. Pen and ink drawing by A. Kemp Tebby, 1903, after H. Mills.
  • A ward on the top deck of a hospital ship with patients standing or sitting by their beds. Engraving.
  • Russo-Japanese War: a field hospital ward with an inspection of the first wounded Japanese to arrive home. Pen and ink drawing by D. Macpherson, 1904.
  • Hahnemann Hospital and Homœopathic Dispensaries, Liverpool: a women's ward, decorated with flags possibly for the coronation of King George V. Photograph.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary bringing food for the inmates of a hospital. Oil painting by Adam Elsheimer, ca. 1598.
  • A physician holds up a glass of urine in a hospital. Pen drawing.
  • Hahnemann Hospital and Homœopathic Dispensaries, Liverpool: a women's ward, decorated with flags possibly for the coronation of King George V. Photograph.
  • Boer War: a full military hospital ward housed in a church in Ladysmith, South Africa. Halftone, c.1900, after H. Paget after H. McCormick.
  • Boer War: the ward of a hospital ship in which a nurse converses with an anxious lady and her daughter. Gouache painting by F. Dickinson, 1899.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Pen and ink drawing by J. Luyken.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: ward ("Veranda") for children, with children and nurses. Photograph by Marshall, Keene & Co.
  • Five kinds of treatment in hospitals and elsewhere. Wood engraving, 1881.
  • A hospital ward in the military hospital, Portsea. Wood engraving by W. Thomas, 1855.
  • A patient complains to a visitor that he does not discuss with his doctor how he feels for fear of discouraging him. Wood engraving by F.H. Townsend, 1915.
  • St Thomas's Hospital: the "Florence Nightingale" Ward with Christmas [?] decorations. Photogravure after A. Rischgitz.
  • King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London: detail drawings of one bay of a ward pavilion. Process print after W. A. Pite, 1912.