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28 results filtered with: Martyrdom
  • Saint Paul. Engraving by A. Collaert.
  • Saint Martina: her martyrdom. Etching by A. Gherardi, 166-.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus: his intestines are extracted from his body with a windlass. Etching by P. Testa.
  • M0007693: Tryptych panel depicting the martydom of Saints Cosmas and Damian
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas; Saint Antony the Great greeting Saint Louis of Toulouse (?); martyrdom of a male saint; martyrdom of Saint Lucy. Woodcuts.
  • Martyrdom of two men by disembowelling and by decapitation. Etching after Ferrari [Cesare Ferreri?].
  • King Charles I praying. Engraving by Abraham Hertochs, 1662 after P. Fruytiers after W. Marshall.
  • Saint Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse: his martyrdom. Engraving.
  • The martyrdom of Thiemo (Theodamarus) of Salzburg: his intestines are wound on to a windlass. Engraving by R. Sadeler I, 1615, after P. Candidus (Pieter de Witte).
  • Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, 17th century
  • John Williams, a bookseller stands in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Engraving with ten verses in five columns below, 1765.
  • M0007630: The martyrdom of Saint Apollonia
  • The soul being refined like metal in a crucible by an angel, Satan, Venus and Death; representing a test of faith. Etching by C. Murer, ca. 1600-1614.
  • Saint Philip. Engraving by A. Collaert.
  • Saint Laurence of Rome: his martyrdom. Line engraving by C. Cort after Titian, 1571.
  • Saint Peter. Engraving by A. Collaert.
  • Saint Gereon being thrown into a well by two men; soldiers in the background. Engraving by J. Wagner after F. Sigrist, 17--.
  • Martyrdom of two male saints by burning at the stake with a martyred female. Etching by Ferrari [Cesare Ferreri?] after himself.
  • The Blessed (subsequently Saint) Fidelis of Sigmaringen wearing the Capucin dress and holding a cross, being crowned by cherubs; his martyrdom in the background. Engraving by M. Engelbrecht, 17--.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Joan of Arc (?): burning at the stake. Woodcut.
  • M0007690: Photograph of an altar piece painting of the martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian
  • Saint Cecilia: her death. Engraving by G.B. de Poilly after N. de Poilly after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino.
  • The soul being refined like metal in a crucible by an angel, Satan, Venus and Death; representing a test of faith. Etching by C. Murer, ca. 1600-1614.
  • M0007630: The martyrdom of Saint Apollonia
  • Saint Martina: her martyrdom. Etching by A. Gherardi, 166-.
  • King Charles I praying. Engraving by W. Marshall, 1649.
  • Saint Cassian of Imola: (top) as a schoolmaster he receives the written work of his pupils on tablets; (below) his martyrdom, he is killed by his pupils with the styluses that they used for writing on the tablets. Etching.
  • Saint Felicula tied to a pole and burnt, and later being drowned. Etching by A. Tempesta, 15--.