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95 results filtered with: Midwifery
  • Die königl. preussische und chur-brandenb. Hof-Wehe-Mütter, das ist: ein höchst nöthiger Unterricht von schweren und unrecht-stehenden Gebuhrten, in einem Gespräch vorgestellet / Justinen Siegemunden.
  • The birth of mankynde : otherwyse named the womans booke. / Newly set forth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • Tableaux interrogatifs, ou Nouvelle méthode d'enseigner l'art des accouchemens [sic] aux sages-femmes de la campagne. 3e. tableau, Des parties molles qui ont rapport au bassin / École départementale de l'Ain.
  • L'art des accouchemens, démontré par des principes de physique et de mechanique. Pour servir d'introduction & de base à des leçons particulières / Par M. André Levret.
  • Accoucheurs et sages-femmes célébres : esquisses biographiques / par G.-J. Witkowski.
  • The birth of mankynde : otherwyse named the womans booke. / Newly set forth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • Die königl. preussische und chur-brandenb. Hof-Wehe-Mütter, das ist: ein höchst nöthiger Unterricht von schweren und unrecht-stehenden Gebuhrten, in einem Gespräch vorgestellet / Justinen Siegemunden.
  • Abbildungen aus dem Gesammtegebiete der theoretisch-praktischen Geburtshülfe, nebst beschreibender Erklärung derselben / Nach dem Französischen ... bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold.
  • Tableaux interrogatifs, ou Nouvelle méthode d'enseigner l'art des accouchemens [sic] aux sages-femmes de la campagne. 4e. tableau, Des parties de la femme qui servent à la génération et à l'accouchement / École départementale de l'Ain.
  • Tableaux interrogatifs, ou Nouvelle méthode d'enseigner l'art des accouchemens [sic] aux sages-femmes de la campagne. 1er. tableau, 1. Qu'est-ce que l'accouchement? ... Des parties de la femme, qui ont rapport à la génération, à la grossesse, et à l'accouchement / École départementale de l'Ain.
  • The birth of mankynde : otherwyse named the womans booke. / Newly set forth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • L'art des accouchemens, démontré par des principes de physique et de mechanique. Pour servir d'introduction & de base à des leçons particulières / Par M. André Levret.
  • A woman lying on her back with her legs raised during labour, while a medical professional assists with the birth.
  • Nursing mirror.
  • I think we ought to consider an epidural.
  • The birth of mankynde : otherwyse named the womans booke. / Newly set forth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • A complete practice of midwifery : consisting of upwards of forty cases or observations in that valuable art, selected from many others, in the course of a very extensive practice. And interspersed with many necessary cautions and useful instructions, proper to be observed in the most dangerous and critical exigencies, as well when the delivery is difficult in its own nature, as when it becomes so by the rashness or ignorance of unexperienc'd pretenders. Recommended to all female practitioners in an art so important to the lives and well-being of the sex / By Sarah Stone, of Piccadilly.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • Abbildungen aus dem Gesammtegebiete der theoretisch-praktischen Geburtshülfe, nebst beschreibender Erklärung derselben / Nach dem Französischen ... bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold.
  • La pratique des accouchemens soutenue d'un grand nombre d'observations / Composée par Paul Portal.
  • The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labors. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. Illustrated with divers fair figures, newly and very correctly engraven in copper. A work very much more perfect than any yet extant in English: very necessary for chirurgeons and midwives practising this art / Written in French by Francis Mauriceau. Translated by Hugh Chamberlen ... By whom this second ed. it [sic] reviewed, corrected, and enlarged, with the addition of the author's anatomy.
  • Abbildungen aus dem Gesammtegebiete der theoretisch-praktischen Geburtshülfe, nebst beschreibender Erklärung derselben / Nach dem Französischen ... bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold.
  • Die königl. preussische und chur-brandenb. Hof-Wehe-Mütter, das ist: ein höchst nöthiger Unterricht von schweren und unrecht-stehenden Gebuhrten, in einem Gespräch vorgestellet / Justinen Siegemunden.
  • Abbildungen aus dem Gesammtegebiete der theoretisch-praktischen Geburtshülfe, nebst beschreibender Erklärung derselben / Nach dem Französischen ... bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • A sett of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment, of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases / By William Smellie, M.D.
  • A complete practice of midwifery : consisting of upwards of forty cases or observations in that valuable art, selected from many others, in the course of a very extensive practice. And interspersed with many necessary cautions and useful instructions, proper to be observed in the most dangerous and critical exigencies, as well when the delivery is difficult in its own nature, as when it becomes so by the rashness or ignorance of unexperienc'd pretenders. Recommended to all female practitioners in an art so important to the lives and well-being of the sex / By Sarah Stone, of Piccadilly.