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49 results filtered with: Motherhood
  • Sterling silver, ivory and glass nipple-shield. The silver one is hallmarked with the maker'd initials and George III's head and has been dated to 1786-1821
  • The Virgin Mary adoring Christ as an infant. Line engraving by G.D. Picchianti after F. Petrucci after Titian.
  • Mellin's Food for infants, Advertisment Card
  • The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus, Zacharias holds the infant John the Baptist. Line engraving by G.B. Pasqualini, 1621, after G.F. Barbieri.
  • A vision of motherhood with a small child. Heliotype by Arents after L. Marqueste.
  • A monument to Lady Margaret Legh who is holding a babe to her chest. Etching by JB, 1794, after a tomb sculpture, 1603.
  • Sugar of Milk, which is the basis of lactated food... (Burlington, Vt.): Wells & Richardson, Trade Card
  • The Virgin Mary telling a young Saint John the Baptist to be quiet as the baby Jesus is sleeping. Engraving by E. Hainzelmann after Annibale Carracci.
  • Alexandra, Princess of Wales with her baby son Albert Victor. Engraving by W. Holl the younger, 1864, after a photograph by V. Heath.
  • Birthday greetings from five lactated food babies. Burlington, Vt.: Wells & Ricahrdson. Trade Card
  • A woman breast feeding a child and plucking a fruit from an abundant tree, two of her other children are also with her. Engraving by J. Frey, 1732, after F. Albani.
  • Hospice de la Maternité, Paris: facade and keyed floor and street plans. Engraving by J.E. Thierry after H. Bessat, 1810.
  • A woman washing her baby. Woodcut after W. Strang, 1904.
  • Glaxo builds bonnie babies : a trial tin of Glaxo, together with a small Glaxo baby book, will be sent post free, on receipt of a post card to Glaxo, mentioning this publication / Glaxo.
  • A woman breast feeding one child and holding two others; representing charity. Engraving by R. Morghen, 1795, after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • Mellin's Food for infants and invalids : dissolved in diluted cow's milk as directed is acknowledged to be the best substitute for mother's milk : directions for use... / Mellin's Food Limited.
  • A woman breastfeeding her baby and looking after two small children in a rural setting. Engraving.
  • Sterling silver, ivory and glass nipple-shield. The silver one is hallmarked with the maker'd initials and George III's head and has been dated to 1786-1821
  • Gripe cordial : without laudanum : doses...
  • Lait Mont Blanc : concentré sucré et non sucré : celui dont on ne se passe pas : quand on a un tout petit, quand on a de grands gourmands / Compagnie Générale du Lait.
  • A woman washing her baby. Woodcut after W. Strang, 1904.
  • Pregnancy
  • Side view of a pregnant lady, silhouette
  • A woman breast feeding one child and holding two others; representing charity. Engraving by R. Morghen, 1795, after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • Japanese porcelain feeding bottle, ring shaped
  • A woman carrying a baby and holding the hand of her small child. Pencil drawing.
  • Sterling silver, ivory and glass nipple-shield. The silver one is hallmarked with the maker'd initials and George III's head and has been dated to 1786-1821
  • Bailey Prison, Lying-in Hospital, Salford, Lancashire. Etching by J. Davies, 1829, after Harwood.
  • The Virgin Mary with Christ as a small child, another woman stands above them arms raised, perhaps Saint Anne. Line engraving.
  • Sterling silver, ivory and glass nipple-shield. The silver one is hallmarked with the maker'd initials and George III's head and has been dated to 1786-1821