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45 results filtered with: Neurophysiology
  • The mechanism of nervous action : electrical studies of the neurone / by E.D. Adrian.
  • Human skull: frontal view. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
  • Child's head with large temporal lobes and depressed frontal lobe. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Head of "a backward boy" divided into four cerebral lobes: profile. Ink drawing with watercolour, c. 1900.
  • Three perspectives of a skull sectioned and numbered according to Gall's system of phrenology. Engraving, 1806.
  • Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
  • A head divided in two, the left half describing activities numbered 1 to 42. Lithograph by Frank Ellis, 1901.
  • Two sections of the brain, divided into different lobes and faculties, according to Hollander's system of phrenology. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Left profile of a head showing depressed frontal lobes. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
  • Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
  • A female brain, sectioned vertically: side view. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • Phrenological chart; with design of head containing symbols of the phrenological 'faculties'. Etching after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • The brain seen from the underside, sectioned horizontally; with attention to the part associated by Hollander's system of phrenology with memory for numbers. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • Head showing the 'convolutions' (lobes) of the brain. Pen drawing after R. W. Reid.
  • Diagram of the brain for a phrenological textbook. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • An anxious man comparing his own head to a skull, using the technique of phrenology. Coloured lithograph after T. Lane, c. 1825.
  • Head of woman showing musical ability, according to phrenological classification. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • The phrenologist Bernard Hollander illustrating with his own head his system of cranial measurements. Photographs, c. 1902.
  • Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
  • Child's head, with fat cheeks: profile. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • The human brain, divided according to Bernard Hollander's system of phrenology. Process print with pen and ink, c. 1902.
  • The brain seen from the underside, sectioned horizontally; with attention to the part associated by Hollander's system of phrenology with memory for numbers. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • The phrenologist Bernard Hollander illustrating with his own head his system of cranial measurements. Photographs, c. 1902.
  • The phrenologist Bernard Hollander illustrating with his own head his system of cranial measurements. Photographs, c. 1902.
  • Head of a child with large cheeks. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • A head divided in two, the left half describing activities numbered 1 to 42. Lithograph by Frank Ellis, 1901.
  • Three diagrams of the organisation of the lobes of the brain for a phrenological textbook. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Right profile of head with depressed frontal lobes, divided up to show the location of all the lobes. Drawing, c. 1900.