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62 results filtered with: Paleontology
  • De natuurlyke historie der versteeningen, of uitvoerige afbeelding en beschryving van de versteende zaaken, die tot heden op den aardbodem zyn ontdekt / aangevangen door Georg Wolfgang Knorr: vervolgd en omstandig beredeneerd door Johann Ernst Immanuel Walch ... uit het Hoog- in 't Nederduitsch vertaald door M. Houttuyn.
  • M0006799: Three skeletal hands from an unknown species
  • M0006794: Illustrations comparing the skeletons of a Seymouria and Opposum
  • M0008869: Mandible of a three toed horse
  • M0008759: Middle Devonian, example of typical forms of life
  • M0006813: Ventral fin of the Eusthenopteron Foordi
  • M0008762: Lower Carboniferous, example of typical forms of life
  • M0006812: Left pectoral fin and caudal portion of the Eusthenopteron Foordi
  • M0008768: <i>Andrias scheuchzeri</i>, fossil of an extinct species of giant salamander
  • M0008860: Pathologic lesions on Mesozoic reptiles
  • Fossilized head and bone fragments of a chiropolyostinus. Lithograph by H. O'Neil, 18--?.
  • M0008776: Fauna from Triassic Jurassic Period
  • M0008864: Dorsal vertebra of platecarpus
  • Skeleton of the Missouri Leviathan: the skeleton is shown standing in a pastoral setting, with a Native American shown seated on an elephant to indicate scale, while another Native American and a man in Western dress look on. Coloured lithograph by G. Tytler, ca. 1845.
  • M0008861: The oldest known example of osteomyelitis
  • M0006792: Illustrations showing the evolution of the pectoral arch and appendage from "Devonian lobe-fin" to "primitive amphibian"
  • Fossilized head of a chiropolyostinus. Lithograph by B.J. Rossiter, 18--?.
  • M0008765: Illustration showing the evolution from fish to human
  • M0008778: Fauna of the Quaternary Period
  • M0008754: Lower Ordouician, example of typical forms of life
  • M0008775: Fauna of Cretaceous Period
  • A prehistoric man defends his family from an attacking bear: the man's family huddle together in a cave, while mammoths, a tiger (?), a rhinocerus and cattle roam in the landscape beyond. Colour lithograph, 1840/1900?.
  • M0008868: History of Spondylitis deformans
  • M0008857: Miocene normal and pathologic clams
  • Recherches et observations naturelles de Monsieur Boccone ... touchant le corail, la pierre etoilée, les pierres de figure de coquilles, la corne d'ammon, l'astroïte undulatus, les dents de poissons pétrifiées, les herissons alterez, l'embrasement du mont Etna, la sangsüe du Xiphias, l'alcyonium stupposum, le bezoar mineral & les plantes qu'on trouve dans la Sicile, avec quelques reflexions sur la vegetation des plantes : examinées à diverses fois dans l'Assemblée de messieurs de Société Royale de Londres, & conferences dans les de Monsieur l'Abbe Bourdelot à Paris / [Paolo Boccone].
  • M0008865: Magnified drawing of sawn section through a fossil ostemoa
  • M0008867: Diseased vertebra of Smilodon [saber-toothed tiger]
  • Fossilized skeleton of ichthyosaurus chiropolyostinus. Lithograph by H. O'Neill, 1834.
  • Fossilized skeleton of a winged prehistoric creature, with details. Lithograph by J. Dinkel, 18--.
  • M0006789:  Illustration of Cheirolepis Trailli head