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5 results filtered with: Pancreas
  • The pancreas and the pancreatic duct. Engraving after J.G. Wirsung, 1644.
  • De succo pancreatico: or a physical and anatomical treatise of the nature and office of the pancreatick juice shewing its generation in the body, what diseases arise by its vitiation : from whence in particular, by plain and familiar examples, is accurately demonstrated, the causes and cures of agues, or intermitting feavers, hitherto so difficult and uncertain, with sundry other things of worthy note / written by D. Reg. de Graaf ... ; and translated by Christopher Pack.
  • Nerves of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and stomach. Line engraving (by Wooding?), 1789.
  • Pancreas, liver, spleen without its membranes, intestines, lacteals etc. after Kulm, Reverholt, Bidloo, Ruysch, Peyer and Heister. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • The duodenum (small intestine) and the pancreas. Engraving, 1686.