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37 results filtered with: Respiration
  • Opuscula sua anatomica, de respiratione, de monstris aliaque minora / recensuit, emendavid auxit aliaque inedita novasque icones addidit Albertus v. Haller.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • Opuscula sua anatomica, de respiratione, de monstris aliaque minora / recensuit, emendavid auxit aliaque inedita novasque icones addidit Albertus v. Haller.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • A man being weighed on a set of scales, and a man with his head in a glass container; showing Lavoisier's experiments with respiration. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • Leçons sur la physiologie comparée de la respiration : professées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle / par Paul Bert.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • Lavoisier in his laboratory conducting an experiment on the respiration of a man at work. Photogravure after M.A.P. Lavoisier.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • Leçons sur la physiologie comparée de la respiration : professées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle / par Paul Bert.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011295: Silhouette of a man using Hutchinson's spirometer
  • A man being weighed on a set of scales, and a man with his head in a glass container; showing Lavoisier's experiments with respiration. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • Leçons sur la physiologie comparée de la respiration : professées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle / par Paul Bert.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • The breath of life, or, Mal-respiration : and its effects upon the enjoyments & life of man (manu-graph) / by Geo. Catlin.
  • M0011297: Hutchinson's table showing vital capacity in relation to height
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • Leçons sur la physiologie comparée de la respiration : professées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle / par Paul Bert.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.