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63 results filtered with: Suicide
  • The suicide of Cato. Etching by P. Testa, 1648.
  • A shell-shocked man in a uniform of the British Army seated on a rock, with a sunset behind, about to kill himself. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1973.
  • A destitute girl throws herself from a bridge, her life ruined by alcoholism. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848.
  • Vous vous posez des questions sur... : la sexualité, le sida, les hépatites, les drogues, le tabac, le mal-être, les allergies, l'alcool, les IST, les malades rares... : ...pour y répondre vous pouves contacter: ...  / INPES, Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé [and 16 others].
  • The death of Cleopatra. Etching by or after A. Hirschvogel, 1547.
  • The wife of Hasdrubal the Boetharch, seeing the defeat of Carthage by the Romans, throws herself and her children into a blazing temple in front of distressed onlookers. Engraving by P. Woeiriot.
  • Tillingham : A second Virgin Mary! : from some fragmentary leaves, in the possession of Charles Clark. (Fac-simile reprint) / printed by Charles Clark, (an amateur) at his Private Press.
  • An episode in The sorrows of young Werther, by Goethe: Albert, the husband of Charlotte, asks his wife to comply with Werther's request to lend him his pistols; she hands them to Werther's servant boy, knowing that Werther will shoot himself with them. Line engraving by P. Bonato after J.H. Ramberg.
  • Suttee, with Lord Hastings shown as accepting bribes to allow its continuation. Coloured aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1815, after Quiz.
  • The suicides of Pyramus and Thisbe: Thisbe and Pyramus lying dead in front of Ninus' tomb, having stabbed themselves with the sword next to them. Line engraving by V. Vangelisti after G. Reni.
  • An episode in Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens: a crowd gathers around Mr Mantalini who has attempted to poison himself. Etching after Phiz (Hablot K. Browne).
  • Seneca preparing his own death: he begs his wife to temper her grief. Etching by J.F.P. Peyron, ca. 1773.
  • Christ heals two possessed men; in the background swine leap off a cliff. Engraving.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra is shown lying on her bed grasping the tail of the asp with her left hand. Line engraving by R. Strange after a painting by Guido Reni, 1753.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra is standing next to her bed grasping the tail of the asp with her right hand. Line engraving by G. Rivera after F. Pieraccini after a painting by Guido Reni.
  • A distressed young lady is sitting near a river, contemplating suicide. Engraving with etching.
  • Charles James, seated at his desk with candles burning, contemplating suicide, holds a pistol to his mouth. Engraving by W. Skelton after C.R. Ryley after C. James.
  • Juliet, kneeling between the bodies of Romeo and Paris in the burial crypt of the Capulets, is about to stab herself in the chest with a dagger while a group of torch-carrying soldiers arrives in the background. Etching.
  • Doctors investigate a fake suicide. Colour process print by Bertin after J-A. Faivre, c. 1900.
  • Seneca preparing his own death in a bath. Etching by F. Perrier.
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A young man holding a dagger threatens to kill himself while a young lady sitting on a chair next to him smiles at him, not taking his threat seriously. Coloured lithograph by J.G. Scheffer.
  • Vous vous posez des questions sur... : la sexualité, le sida, les hépatites, les drogues, le tabac, le mal-être, les allergies, l'alcool, les IST, les malades rares... : ...pour y répondre vous pouves contacter: ...  / INPES, Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé [and 16 others].
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: the asp is wriggling up the left arm of the sleeping Cleopatra. Etching by J.B. de Poilly after a statue in the Vatican.
  • A woman wearing a green dress hangs herself from a tree in a forest. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1958.
  • Actor Nakamura Uzaemon killing himself on a roof as an assailant strikes at him. Colour woodcut by Yoshiiku, 1868.
  • The gaoler opening the door of the prison cell to find Condorcet lying on his bed, having killed himself. Stipple engraving by G. Aliprandi after J.H. Fragonard.
  • A poor depressed man prepares to hang himself in a noose attached to the ceiling. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra is shown seated on a chair with the asp wriggling up her left arm while her maid shields her face in a gesture of horror and grief. Line engraving by J.G. Wille, 175-, after C. Netscher.
  • A young distressed woman is standing on the pier of a bridge on the River Thames contemplating suicide. Engraving by T. Godfrey after G. Doré.