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64 results filtered with: Switzerland
  • A Swiss mountain guide in profile carrying heavy rope. Photographic postcard by E. Gyger, 193-.
  • Cherry blossom and falling leaves, representing spring and autumn respectively, with box of Aspro pills for use in those seasons. Colour lithograph, 1957.
  • Geology: the Gorner glacier, in the Valais. Lithograph by J. Schmid after A. Calame.
  • J. Worrenburg, the Swiss Dwarf : Little Sarah. Died, at Madron, on Monday, Miss Sarah Roberts, aged 90 years.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin): she receives the prayers of the Swiss who ask for her help in ending the Sonderbund War (?). Engraving by La Richardière after Bader.
  • Geology: the Rhone glacier in the Valais. Engraving by C. Niquet the younger after J.S.D. Besson.
  • A turquoise background bearing the white lettering: "L'AIDS e i bambini: un tema che concerne il medico e i genitori." [AIDS and children: a subject that concerns the doctor and parents]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [UFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • Two faces beside the dial of a telephone bearing the helpline number '01 461 08 00' representing an advertisement for the support group 'Arbeitsgruppe Frau und AIDS' for women with AIDS by the AIDS-Hilfe Zürich. Colour lithograph by M. Fischer.
  • A woman wearing a feathered hat and holding a poodle on her lap at a table holds up a thumb on which is a blown-up condom; with the message: 'Without? Without me'; Italian version of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the Aiuto AIDS Svizzero. Colour lithograph.
  • The pharmacy of C. Hersbrunnen (?), Lucerne, Switzerland: a reconstruction of the 18th century shop showing pharmacy equipment and decorations: side view. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • An evil man, representing medicine and religion (?), gloats over the death of the freedom of the individual in Switzerland to consume absinthe, represented as a green woman stabbed by a cross. Colour lithograph after A.-H. Gantner, 1910.
  • A six-sided pamphlet advertising the year of the family, World AIDS Day, 1st December 1993 by the World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS; front page illustrates a group of men, women and children of various races stand on a pink circle representing the world with red spiked balls floating around them. Colour lithograph.
  • Bern by night with a pink condom as the moon. Colour lithograph by the Federal Office of Public Health.
  • Two frightened women and a child with tuberculosis; advertising for funds for the tuberculous poor. Colour process print after Erismann, 1951.
  • An apothecary's shop, Switzerland: reconstruction of a late 17th century shop, showing pharmacy equipment and decorations. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • A man using a condom as a safety parachute to remain in the air as other figures including a bird and a woman appear to fall; with the message in Turkish: 'this task is easy[?]' representing an advertisement for safe sex. Colour lithograph.
  • Advice on AIDS and where to get help, HIV statistics in Europe, and quotations from celebrities. Colour lithograph by Pierre Matthey in cooperation with PWA (People With AIDS) Schweiz.
  • The pharmacy of C. Hersbrunnen (?), Lucerne, Switzerland: a reconstruction of the 18th century shop showing pharmacy equipment and decorations: front view. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • Cooking with Swiss cheeses / Tesco.
  • A six-sided pamphlet advertising the year of the family, World AIDS Day, 1st December 1993 by the World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS; front page illustrates a group of men, women and children of various races stand on a pink circle representing the world with red spiked balls floating around them. Colour lithograph.
  • Nine illustrations following the sequence of events of a date between Yves and Pascale which results in sex with a condom; the illustrations include a car, a chef holding up a restaurant menu, a cinema ticket, a car, a bottle of wine and 2 glasses, 2 cigarettes in an ash tray and a condom packet; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Petit-Roulet.
  • A man is running with a large stone in his hand, another man picks up a stone to join the competition. Coloured lithograph by J. Brodtmann after Jac. Schwegler.
  • A girl facing a wall bearing a written plea for help for her fight against AIDS; an illustration entitled: "We unite in the fight against AIDS" by Antonella La Macchia, 17, 3rd prize in a graphic competition; an advertisement for Swiss AIDS support organisations. Colour lithograph.
  • A blue background bearing the white lettering: "AIDS und Kind: Ein Thema für Arzt und Eltern" [AIDS and children: An issue for doctors and parents]; an advertisement by the FMH / BAG, Swiss Physicians and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A warning about AIDS and drugs; Italian version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A girl with tuberculosis appealing for funds for a sanatorium for tuberculous children in Zürich. Colour lithograph after H.C. Ulrich, 1905.
  • Ouresiphoites Helviticus, sive itinera Alpina tria. In quibus incolæ, animalia, plantæ, montium altitudines barometricæ, cœli & soli temperies, aquæ medicatæ, mineralia, metalla, lapides figurati, aliaque fossilia, & quicquid insuper in natura, artibus, & antiquitate, per Alpes Helviticas & Rhæticas, rarum sit, & notatu dignum, exponitur, & iconibus illustratur / authore Johanne Jacobo Scheuchzero.
  • Typescript text about the 'AIDS Gedenk Buch', the AIDS memorial book. Photocopy.
  • A six-sided pamphlet advertising the year of the family, World AIDS Day, 1st December 1993 by the World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS; front page illustrates a group of men, women and children of various races stand on a pink circle representing the world with red spiked balls floating around them. Colour lithograph.
  • Geology: the Great Aletsch glacier and the Märjelensee in the Valais. Lithograph by E. Cicéri, 1862, after F. Martens.