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17 results filtered with: Teaching
  • A group of youths sit on the ground before a female teacher who writes the words 'AIDS' on a blackboard before them; an advertisement about the importance of teaching about AIDS by INSA International Services Assocation in India sponsored by Levi Strauss. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Sir Charles Scarborough and Dr Edward Arris conducting an anatomical dissection. Watercolour painting by G. P. Harding after an oil painting by R. Greenbury.
  • René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec auscultating a tubercular patient at the Necker Hospital, Paris, 1816. Reproduction after a painting by T. Chartran.
  • Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a hypnotised patient at the Salpêtrière. Etching by A. Lurat, 1888, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1887.
  • A family sit around a table before a woman who teaches them about AIDS; a calendar for the year 1995 with the 1st December highlighted with the words 'SIDA' for World AIDS Day; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Red Cross of Equatorial Guinea. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a hypnotised patient at the Salpêtrière. Etching by A. Lurat, 1888, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1887.
  • Nicolaus Tulp demonstrating anatomy to seven syndics of the Surgeons' Guild of Amsterdam. Etching by W. Unger after Rembrandt, 1632.
  • AIDS: the secondary scene : a guide to issues, approaches and resources by Stephen Clift & David Stears / AVERT.
  • An older surgeon instructing a younger surgeon on how to bleed a male patient's arm. Engraving, 1586.
  • A group of youths sit on the ground before a female teacher who writes the words 'AIDS' on a blackboard before them; an advertisement (Hindi version) about the importance of teaching about AIDS by INSA International Services Assocation in India sponsored by Levi Strauss. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Nicolaus Tulp demonstrating anatomy to seven syndics of the Surgeons' Guild of Amsterdam. Photograph after Rembrandt, 1632.
  • The Institut National des Sourds-Muets, Paris: interior during the visit of Pope Pius VII. Aquatint with etching by J.H. Marlet, 1805.
  • Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a hypnotised patient at the Salpêtrière. Etching by A. Lurat, 1888, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1887.
  • The Institut National des Sourds-Muets, Paris: interior during the visit of Pope Pius VII. Aquatint with etching by J.H. Marlet, 1805.
  • The Institut National des Aveugles-nés, Paris: interior during the visit of Pope Pius VII. Aquatint with etching by Marlé, 1805.
  • The Institut National des Aveugles-nés, Paris: interior during the visit of Pope Pius VII. Aquatint with etching by Marlé, 1805.
  • Astronomy: a savant in his study, instructing a group of gentlemen. Engraving, 1748.