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179 results filtered with: Torture
  • The torments of hell in Buddhism: two bearded demons burning six men alive. Lithograph.
  • Mediaeval torturers torture a gout-sufferer; representing the view attributed to Fabricius von Hilden that gout could be cured by torture. Colour process print after D.T. de Losques, 1910.
  • Tortures. Watercolours by a Japanese artist.
  • A Chinese woman being subjected to torture while tied to a cross: the woman's torturer is shown using a knife to cut open her abdomen, arms and face, while a formally-dressed man looks on. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 18--?.
  • Men and women are prisoners in cells, one man is being tortured by having the soles of his feet beaten with a stick. Wood engraving after G. Durand.
  • A woman being tortured by being strapped naked onto a horse and dragged through a town. Wood engraving after G. Durand.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of instruments of torture and appliances for restraint of the insane. Photograph.
  • Martyrdom of Paolo Erizzo. Line engraving by A. Zucchi after S. Manaigo after P. Longhi.
  • A Chinese man is bound to a pole, has had an arrow shot through his ear as a punishment for insolence to a superior; a Chinese man holding a sign describing the crime; and a mandarin reproving the culprit. Coloured aquatint by W. Alexander, 1814.
  • A Chinese woman about to be beaten with a wooden rod as a judicial punishment. Coloured aquatint by W. Alexander, 1804.
  • Saint Agatha. Engraving by J. Coelemans, 1706, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino, 16--.
  • Punishments of Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • A Chinese man being subjected to torture while shackled to a bed or rack, surrounded by three torturers. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 18--?.
  • A Chinese man being garroted on a cross with a rope. Coloured stipple print by J. Dadley, 1801.
  • Saint Martina: her martyrdom. Etching by A. Gherardi, 166-.
  • Tortures. Watercolours by a Japanese artist.
  • The mocking and flagellation of Christ. Line engraving by G. Sadeler after J. Palma the elder.
  • Joze Maria de Távora tied to a rack and beaten with cudgels. Etching, ca. 1760.
  • A girl in a red aureole surrounded by red crosses; representing fear of the Iron Maiden of Nuremberg. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1967.
  • Two Chinese prisoners with their necks enclosed in stocks known as the 'cangue', watched by a guard and a weeping woman. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.
  • A Turkish oracle; the torture wheel of Pope Pius VI. Engraving.
  • Opere di Cesare Beccaria. Volume unico / [Cesare Beccaria].
  • An angel leading a soul into hell. Oil painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch.
  • The Virgin with four saints: the archangel Michael, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Apollonia and Saint John the Evangelist. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after P. Vannucci, il Perugino.
  • Jesus is exhibited to the people wearing a crown of thorns. Line engraving by Agostino Carracci, 1587, after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • A Persian captive lying on the road chained by his neck to a post embedded in the road. Wood engraving.
  • The Virgin Mary and Christ child with Saint Antony of Padua, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint John the Baptist as a child. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G. Bugiardini.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus: his intestines are extracted from his body with a windlass. Etching by P. Testa.
  • A woman about to be tortured in the Iron Maiden of Nuremberg. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1970.
  • The prisoner, who is kept in a small slatted wooden box is has his judgement read to him while he stretches his hands through the slats in a pleading gesture. Lithograph after J.P. Moynet.