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7 results filtered with: Victoria
  • Three couples standing with their arms around each other, the faces of three couples touching each other and three single men and women each wearing the AIDS awareness red ribbon; an advertisement for the Red Ribbon Project and World AIDS Day by the Victorian AIDS Council. Colour lithograph by Barbara Graham.
  • A list of family members and a message that AIDS affects everybody against strips of colours; advertisement created for the Red Ribbon Project in conjunction with World AIDS Day by the Victorian AIDS Council. Colour lithograph by Barbara Graham, 1995.
  • The AIDS Red ribbon with a safety pin and message to wear it to make the difference; advertisement by the Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Recto: A framed photograph of a gay couple next to a condom and a bottle of lubricant on a table with a book, a vase of roses and a lamp representing a safe sex advertisement for gay men by the Victorian AIDS council; verso: the backs of two naked men with their arms around each other, one holding a condom, the other with his fingers crossed with instructions on what to do when having sex with or without condoms. Colour lithograph by Opsis Design and Freak me Freak me Productions, 1994.
  • A couple kiss with a message about safe sex by the Victorian AIDS Council. Lithograph, 1990.
  • Recto: A framed photograph of a gay couple next to a condom and a bottle of lubricant on a table with a book, a vase of roses and a lamp representing a safe sex advertisement for gay men by the Victorian AIDS council; verso: the backs of two naked men with their arms around each other, one holding a condom, the other with his fingers crossed with instructions on what to do when having sex with or without condoms. Colour lithograph by Opsis Design and Freak me Freak me Productions, 1994.
  • The back view of a naked person being caressed by a man advertising safe sex to prevent HIV transmission. Victorian AIDS Council and Gay Men's Health Centre. Colour lithograph, 1992.