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63 results filtered with: Voyages and travels
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • The holy family prepare to flee for Egypt. Engraving by F. Poilly after G. Reni.
  • The flight into Egypt in the night, illuminated by the moon and the milky way. Engraving by H. Goudt, 1613, after A. Elsheimer, 1609.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • The fugitive holy family board a barge. Aquatint with etching after C. Ferri.
  • Newe Welt vnd americanische Historien : Inhaltende Warhafftige vnd vollkommene Beschreibungen aller west-indianischen Landschafften / Insulen / Königreichen vnd Provintzien / Seecusten / fliessenden vnd stehenden Wassern / Port vnd Anländungen / Gebürgen / Thälern / Stätt / Flecken vnd Wohnplätzen / zusampt der Natur vnd Eygenschafft dess Erdrichs / der Lufft / der Mineren vnd Metallen / der brennenden Vulcanen oder Schwefelbergen / der Siedenden vnd anderer heilsamen Quellen / wie auch der Thier / Vögel / Fisch vnd Gewürm in denselben / sampt andern wunderbaren Sreaturen vnd Miraculn der Natur / in diesem halben Theil dess Erdkreyes. Dess-gleichen gründlicher Bericht von der innwohner Beschaffenheit / Sitten / Qualitäten / Policey und Götzendienst / Leben vnd Wesen / barbarischer Unwissenheit vnd vnerhörter Grausankeit dess meisten Theils dieser wilden Leute / sampt Unterscheyd der Nationen / Sprachen vnd Gebräuchen. Item, historische vnd aussführliche Relation 38. fürnembster Schiffarten vnterschiedlicher Völcker in West-Indien / von der ersten Entdeckung durch Christophorum Columbum / in 150. Jahren / vollbracht / [Johann Ludwig Gottfried].
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • The flight into Egypt: Mary rides on the donkey, breast-feeding Jesus; Joseph walks beside them. Etching by W. Basse.
  • Mary and Joseph walk to Egypt with the infant Jesus. Engraving by N. Pitau, 1666, after S. François.
  • The holy family resting among animals in Egypt. Etching by B. Baron, 1724, after F. Solimena.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • Mary and Joseph with Jesus through a wide landscape to Egypt. Etching by J. Callot.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • The fugitive holy family find rest. Etching by C. Macé after A. Carracci.
  • Travels to distant parts of the world performed by Willam Hamilton, represented by an airship piloted by him that is acclaimed by people of different races. Colour lithograph, ca. 1900.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.
  • A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole history of navigation from its original to this time / Illustrated with maps and cuts, curiously engraved.