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138 results filtered with: Women patients
  • A lady fainting after bloodletting. Oil painting after Eglon Hendrick van der Neer.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • Scenes of nurses at St Saviour's Hospital, Regent's Park, London. Wood engraving, 1886.
  • Four types of physician using their qualifications to take advantage of their women patients or of the public. Coloured lithographs, ca. 1852.
  • A patient exposes her breasts to a physician and asks if a physician is not a little like a confessor: the doctor exclaims that he hopes she does not show herself like that to her confessor. Process print afterJ-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • A woman covered in an oiled silk cloak with a vapour machine which is linked to fireplace in front of her. Engraving.
  • Christ sits at the bedside of Jairus's sickening daughter. Etching after G.C. von. Max.
  • A woman lies in bed, lovesick (representing the Netherlands); attendants try to raise her spirits by showing her a portrait of the newly appointed Stadholder, William III Prince of Orange (subsequently William III King of England). Engraving, ca. 1672.
  • Elizabeth Hopkins of Oxford, showing a breast with cancer which was removed by Sir William Read. Engraving by M. Burghers, ca. 1700.
  • A woman, reclining, with a large tumour on her right breast. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1837.
  • A man taking a woman's pulse. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • A woman (Leang Yen?) with a large tumour on her right hand, reclining and concealing her face. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1838.
  • A physician gazing in amazement at a urine sample of an elderly female patient who is seated near him in a richly furnished room. Engraving by J.B. Fosseyeux after F. Giani after G. Dou.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Etching by C. Dusart, 1695.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • Mrs John Webb, being nursed when sick in bed with "a dead palsey, and ... convulsion in the nerves", before being cured by Sir William Read. Engraving by M. Burghers, ca. 1700.
  • A doctor demonstrating electrotherapy on a young semi-naked woman in front of other doctors and a nurse, other female patients are waiting in the background. Process print of a wood engraving by G.D.I. after D. Urrabieta Ortiz y Vierge.
  • A physician examining a urine specimen in which a faint figure of a baby is visible, a female patient is crying and being shouted at by her angry mother, indicating that she is pregnant. Watercolour by I.T., 1826.
  • Mrs Broadbent, afflicted with breast cancer. Watercolour, 1840.
  • A physician beds a young woman; her husband looks on pensively, hoping that the physician will not charge him for this 'operation'. Colour process print after Cuiliale (?), c. 1905.
  • A surgeon applying a cautery iron to clearly defined points on a woman's lower abdomen (indicating spleen?). Pen drawing after a tenth century manuscript.
  • South India: a cart drawn by a donkey bringing women patients to a medical mission. Photograph by A.R. Slater, 19--.
  • A standing man talks to an ill lady seated in an armchair by a fireplace, recommending her to drink the tonic wine Quina Laroche to restore her health; advertising Quina Laroche. Wood engraving by Minne, ca. 1880.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A medical practitioner taking a lady's pulse in a pharmacy. Oil painting by Emili Casals i Camps, ca. 1882.
  • Mrs Broadbent, afflicted with breast cancer. Watercolour, 1840.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • Mrs Broadbent, afflicted with breast cancer. Watercolour, 1840.
  • Christ sits at the bedside of Jairus's sickening daughter. Etching by E.F. Mohn after G.C. von Max.
  • A physician in traditional costume examining urine in a flask, the young female patient is in bed, France 14--. Coloured etching by P. Pauquet after a 1493 manuscript.