23 results filtered with: Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834
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Animal electricity produced without any intermediate body.
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Galvanism experiments.
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[Galvanism experiments]. Plate 6.
- Books
Experiences faites à Londres pour perfectionner et faire connaître plus généralement l'art de se préserver de l'action de la flamme / Par m. le Chevalier Jean Aldini.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1830- Videos
Science Britannica. Part 1 Frankenstein's monsters.
Date: 2013- Books
- Online
An account of the late improvements in galvanism : with a series of curious and interesting experiments performed before the commissioners of the French National Institute, and repeated lately in the anatomical theatres of London / by John Aldini ... ; to which is added, an appendix containing the author's experiments on the body of a malefactor executed at Newgate &c. &c. ; illustrated with engravings.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1803- Digital Images
[Galvanism experiments]. Plate 2.
- Digital Images
[Galvanism experiments]. Plate 7.
- Books
- Online
Art de se preśerver de l'action de la flamme : appliqué aux pompiers et à la conservation des personnes exposées au feu; avec une série d'experiences faites en Italie, à Genève et à Paris / Par M. le chevalier Aldini.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1830- Books
- Online
An account of the late improvements in galvinism ... To which is added, an appendix, containing ... experiments on the body of a malefactor / [Giovanni Aldini].
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834Date: 1803- Books
- Online
General views on the application of galvanism to medical purposes; principally in cases of suspended animation / By John Aldini.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1819- Digital Images
[Human dissection]. Plate 4.
- Books
- Online
Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme, avec une série d'expériences. Faites en présence des commissaires de l'Institut National de France, et en divers amphithéâtres anatomiques de Londres par Jean Aldini / [Giovanni Aldini].
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: An XII.-1804- Books
- Online
A short account of experiments made in Italy and recently repeated in Geneva and Paris, for preserving human life and objects of value from destruction by fire / by Chev. Aldini ... addressed to George Agar Ellis ... and to George Birbeck.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1830- Books
- Online
De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius, cum J. Aldini dissertatione et notis. Acc. epistolae ad animalis electricitatis theoriam pertinentes / [Luigi Galvani].
Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798Date: 1792- Digital Images
Human dissection. Plate 3.
- Books
- Online
Essai theórique et expeŕimental sur le galvanisme, avec une seŕie d'expeŕiences faites en preśence des Commissaires de l'Institut national de France, et en divers amphitheátres anatomiques de Londres / par Jean Aldini.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: An XII. [12] -- M.DCCCIV. [1804]- Books
- Online
An account of the galvanic experiments performed by John Aldini on the body of a malefactor executed at Newgate Jan. 17, 1803. With a short view of some experiments which will be described in the author's new work now in press / [Giovanni Aldini].
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1803- Books
Esperienze sopra una nuova difesa procurata ai pompieri nei casi d'incendii con un elenco degli instrumenti dati all pubblica esposizione / [Giovanni Aldini].
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834Date: 1828- Books
- Online
Recherches expérimentales sur l'application extérieure de al vapeur pour échauffer l'eau dans la filature de la soie / Par le Chevalier Aldini. Traduiit de l'italien sur la seconde édition, et augmentée.
Aldini, Giovanni, 1762-1834.Date: 1819- Books
Commentary on the effect of electricity on muscular motion / a translation of Luigi Galvani's De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius, by Robert Montraville Green.
Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798.Date: 1953- Digital Images
[Galvanism experiments]. Plate 10.
- Books
- Online
Aloysii Galvani in Bononiensi Archigymnasio, & Instituto Scientiarum publici professsoris ... De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius : cum Joannis Aldini dissertatione et notis : accesserunt epistolae ad animalis electricitatis theoriam pertinentes.
Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798.Date: MDCCXCII [1792]