150 results filtered with: Brown, John
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylums, Charminster and Forston, for the year 1867.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1868- E-books
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A pious and elaborate treatise concerning prayer; and the answer of prayer. Written by ... John Brown, ..
Brown, John- Books
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum, Charminster, Dorchester, for the year 1863.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1864- E-books
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Two short catechisms mutually connected; the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter. ... By John Brown, ..
Brown, John- E-books
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Barbarossa. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By the Rev. Dr. Brown
Brown, John- E-books
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The mutual connexion between religious truth and civil freedom; Between Superstition, Tyranny, Irreligion, and Licentiousness: considered in Two sermons Preached in Septemb. 1746, at the Cathedral Church of Carlisle, During the Assizes held there for the
Brown, John- E-books
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A dictionary of the Holy Bible: containing, an historical account of the persons: ... and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in ... the Old and New Testament. ... By the Rev. John Brown, ... A new edition, carefully revised, and improved
Brown, John- E-books
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Barbarossa: a tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
Brown, John- E-books
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Thoughts on civil liberty, on licentiousness, and faction. By the author of Essays on the characteristics, &c.
Brown, John- E-books
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A compendious history of the British churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel in Haddington
Brown, John- E-books
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On the pursuit of false pleasure, and the mischiefs of immoderate gaming: a sermon preach'd at the abbey-church at Bath, For Promoting the Charity and Subscription towards the General Hospital In that City, on Sunday, April 22, 1750. Publish'd at the Requ
Brown, John- E-books
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The christian journal; or, common incidents, spiritual instructors. By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington
Brown, John- Books
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On mental training and relaxation in the study of medicine.
Brown, John.Date: [1851]- E-books
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An essay towards an easy, plain, practical, and extensive explication of the Assembly's shorter catechism. By Mr. John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington
Brown, John- E-books
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An evangelical and practical view of the types and figures of the Old-Testament dispensation. By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel in Haddington
Brown, John- Books
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylums, Charminster and Forston, for the year 1868.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1869- Books
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Medical reform / [by J. Brown].
Brown, John.Date: [1857]- E-books
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On liberty: a poem, inscribed to His Grace the Chancellor and to the University of Cambridge, on occasion of the peace. By John Brown, M.A.
Brown, John- Books
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylums, Charminster and Forston, for the year 1872.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1873- E-books
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Barbarossa. A tragedy. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
Brown, John- E-books
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A brief view of the figures; and explication of the metaphors, contained in scripture. By John Brown, ..
Brown, John- Books
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylums, Charminster and Forston, for the year 1873.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1874- E-books
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Death's warrant, or the soul's welcome to glory. ... To which is added, the life of the happy man
Brown, John- Books
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The annual report of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylums, Charminster and Forston, for the year 1869.
Dorset County Lunatic Asylum (Charminster, England)Date: 1870- E-books
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A mirror: or, looking-glass for saint and sinner. The important doctrines of the law and gospel opened up in a practical essay, from Gal.ii.19. ... By ... John Brown, ..
Brown, John