103 results filtered with: Catholic Church
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Ordonnances et statuts synodaux faicts par Pierre Paparin de Chaumont, évêque de Gap, en son assemblée tenue à Baulme lez Sisteron, en 1587
Catholic ChurchDate: 1588- Books
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The graces folowyng be grau[n]ted to al the bretherne [and] systers benefactours and good doers vnto the hospytall of ye blessyd co[n]fessour Saynt Rocke fou[n]ded [and] establyssyd w[ith]in the cyte Excester : the daye that they do say a pater noster an Aue, [and] a crede it is grau[n]ted them that they shal neuer be infecte not greued w[ith] the stroke of ye pestylence as more playnly it dothe appere in hys legende how and whan al myghty god graunted thys petycyon to the sayd blessyd co[n]fessour Saynt Rocke, [and] sent yt by hys angell Raphaell.
Date: [1522]]- E-books
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Instructions and regulations for the indulgences that are allowed to the faithful in the Middle District
Catholic Church- E-books
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The primer; or, office of the B. Virgin Mary, with a new and approv'd version of the church-hymns. To which are added the remaining hymns of the Roman breviary
Catholic Church- Books
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Manière d'administrer les saincts sacremens de l'Église, y faire prosne et bénédictions / , avec instructions convenables pour leur intelligence, dressées par... Nicolas de Thou,...
Catholic ChurchDate: 1580- E-books
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The office of the holy week, according to the Roman missal and breviary. Containing the morning and evening service from Palm Sunday to Tuesday in Easter week. In Latin and English. With an explanation of the mysteries represented in the office and ceremo
Catholic Church- E-books
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Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent, 1798; addressed to the faithful of the London District
Catholic Church- E-books
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The primer, or, office of the B. Virgin Mary, revis'd: with a new approv'd version of the church-hymns throughout the year: To which Are Added the Remaining Hymns of the Roman Breviary
Catholic Church- E-books
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Ordo administrandi sacramenta, et alia Quaedam officia Ecclesiastica rite peragendi in Missione Anglicana. Ex rituali Romano, Jussu Pauli Quinti edito, extractus. Nonnullis adjectis Ex Antiquo Rituali Anglicano
Catholic Church- E-books
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The constitution of his Holiness Pope Clement XI. Condemning a great number of propositions taken out of a book printed in French, and divided into several tomes, with this title: The New Testament in French, with moral reflections upon each verse, &c. At
Catholic Church- Books
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Devotum officium sponsi Jhesu / : amore languentium animarum excitatiuum
Catholic ChurchDate: 1520- E-books
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Supplementum novum ad Brevarium, et Missale Romanum. Adjectis officiis sanctorum Angliae. M,DCC,XCV. Permissu Superiorum
Catholic Church- E-books
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The litanies of S. Winefrid, virgin and martyr
Catholic Church- E-books
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Epitome ritualis Romani, in usum missionum Scotiae. Permissu Superiorum
Catholic Church- Books
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Catechismo, cioe istruttione secondo il decreto del concilio di Trento, a' parochi, publicato per comandamento del santissimo s.n. papa Pio 5. & tradotto poi per ordine di s. Santità in lingua uolgare dal reuerendo padre fratre Alesso Figliucci, de l'ordine de' predicatori.
Catholic ChurchDate: 1571- Books
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Psalterium Romanum ad vsum cleri Basilicæ Vaticanæ. Ad vetustissima exemplaria recognitum.
Catholic ChurchDate: 1593- E-books
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The vespers, or even-song: with the Holy Mass. In Latin and English together, With the Antiphons Hymns and Prayers as they are Sung in the Catholick Church upon all Sundays and Festivals through out the whole Year
Catholic Church- E-books
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Antiphons which are sung whilst the blessed sacrament is exposed in the Church of the English Dames of St. Clare, at Aire in Artois
Catholic Church- Books
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Les Anciens statuts synodaux du diocèse de Tolose, publiés par François, cardinal de Joyeuse au synode tenu en 1596, mis en françois du commandement de Jean d'Orléans, archevêque de Tolose
Catholic ChurchDate: 1597- E-books
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Ordo administrandi sacramenta, et alia Quaedam officia Ecclesiastica rite peragendi in Missione Anglicana, ex rituali Romano, jussu Pauli Quinti edito, extractus. Nonnullis adjectis ex antiquo Rituali Anglicano
Catholic Church- E-books
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Ordo recitandi officii divini et Missæ celebrandæ, pro anno Domini MDCCLXXIII
Catholic Church- E-books
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The office of the Holy Week according to the Roman missal and breviary. Containing the morning and evening-service from Palm-Sunday to Tuesday in Easter-Week. In Latin and English. ..
Catholic Church- E-books
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Sanctissimi domini nostri Pii divina providentia Papæ Vii. litterae encyclicae ad omnes catholicos episcopos
Catholic Church- E-books
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Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent, ... 1799, addressed to the faithful of the London District
Catholic Church- Books
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Albert Dürer's designs of the Prayer Book [of Maximilian I] / [Maximilian I].
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1459-1519.Date: 1817