103 results filtered with: Catholic Church
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The office of the holy week; according to the Roman missal and breviary. Containing, the morning and evening service from Palm-Sunday to Tuesday in Easter-Week. In Latin and English with the explication of the church on the sacred mysteries ..
Catholic Church- E-books
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The roman gradual on the Gregorian notes. Containing the masses for all Sundays throughout the year, in the following manner. Part the first. The introits, or Beginnings of the Mass, the Graduals, Alleluias, and Tracts after the Epistles, with the Sequenc
Catholic Church- E-books
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The Pope's Bull, condemning The New Testament, with moral reflections; done by Father Quesnel, the present Luther of France. With the several texts, expounded by his propositions. Faithfully translated from the French
Catholic Church- E-books
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The ordinary of the mass, vespers and complin, on all Sundays and holydays throughout the year. The litany of our Lord, The Blessed Virgin, and of the Saints; with the hymns, Anthems, and Proses for Bfnediction, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary
Catholic Church- E-books
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Officia nova sanctorum
Catholic Church- E-books
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The evening-Office of the Church, in Latin and English. Containing the vespers, or even-song, for all Sundays and festivals of obligation [sic] The fourth edition corrected, with the addition of the evening-office of the holy-week. the Litanies of the Ble
Catholic Church- E-books
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An encyclical letter of our most Holy Father Pope Pius Vii. to all the Catholic Bishops. Translated from the Latin original, by the Rev. Benedict Rayment, C.D.A.
Catholic Church- E-books
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The office of the holy week according to the Roman missal and breviary. Containing the morning and evening service from Palm-Sunday to Tuesday in Easter-Week. In latin and English. ... Illustrated with cuts, ..
Catholic Church- Books
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Catechismus, ex decreto Concilii Tridentini, ad parochos, Pii 5. pont. max. iussu editus.
Catholic ChurchDate: 1567- E-books
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Officia nova sanctorum de præcepto recitanda, ac in breviario Romano, et missali apponenda. Juxta decreta SS. D. N. Clementis XIV
Catholic Church- E-books
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Officia propria sanctorum Hiberniæ, ab omnibus utriusque sexûs, qui ad horas canonicas tenentur, tàm in memorato regno, quàm in conventibus, & collegiis extranationalibus, sub ritu duplici majori recitanda in vim duplicis decreti sacræ rituum congregation
Catholic Church- E-books
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An abstract of the Douay catechism Published with allowance
Catholic Church- E-books
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The office of the holy week, according to the Roman missal and Breviary. Containing, the morning and evening service from Palm Sunday to Tuesday in Easter Week, in Latin and English. With an explanation ..
Catholic Church- E-books
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Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent, 1791, addressed to the faithful of the Southern District
Catholic Church- E-books
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Officia propria sanctorum Hiberniæ, ab omnibus utriusque sexûs, qui ad horas canonicas tenentur, tam in memorato Regno, quam in Conventibus, & Collegiis extranationalibus, sub ritu duplici majori recitanda in vim duplicis decreti. Sacrae Rituum Congregati
Catholic Church- Books
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Le Concile provincial de Tolose, tenu par François de Joyeuse, cardinal, archevêque de Tolose l'an 1590
Catholic ChurchDate: 1597- E-books
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The evening-Office of the Church in Latin and English. Containing the vespers, or even-song for all Sundays and festivals of obligation. The fifth edition corrected, with the addition of all the new-feasts, the old hymns, litanies of the Blessed Virgin Ma
Catholic Church- E-books
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Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent 1800, addressed to the faithful of the London District
Catholic Church- E-books
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The litanies and prayers, in Latin and English recommended to be said in catholick families. With Licence
Catholic Church- Books
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Conciles de Tholose, Besiers et Narbonne, ensemble les ordonnances du Comte Raimond,... contre les Albigeois,... rendu de latin en français par M. Arnauld Sorbin, P. de Monteig,...
Catholic ChurchDate: 1569- E-books
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Constitutiones provinciales et synodales ecclæsiæ metropolitanæ et primatialis Dubliniensis
Catholic Church- E-books
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Benjamin Dei & S. Sedis Apostolicæ gratiâ Episcopus Prusensis, in districtu L. Vicarius Apostolicus: & Ricardus Episcopus Deborensis in eodem districtu coadjutor; omnibus sacerdotibus missionariis, ..
Catholic Church- E-books
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The famous Bull Unigenitus, in English. With a short history of its rise and progress
Catholic Church- Books
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Remonstrance aux Ministres de la nouvelle Religion. Par un Evesque de l'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique & Romaine. Responsif à l'advertissement du Concile National. Presentee au Roy de Navarre
Catholic ChurchDate: 1667- E-books
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Instructions, regulations and prayers, for the indulgences in the Western District
Catholic Church