50 results filtered with: Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707
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Natural history of the passions / [Anon].
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1701- Books
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A ternary of paradoxes : The magnetick cure of wounds. Nativity of tartar in wine. Image of God in man. / Written originally by Joh. Bapt. Van Helmont, and translated, illustrated, and ampliated by Walter Charleton, Doctor in Physick, and physician to the late King.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: 1650 [i.e. 1649]- Books
De scorbuto. Liber singularis / autore Gualtero Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1672- Books
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Enquiries into human nature : in VI. anatomic prælections in the new theatre of the Royal Colledge of Physicians in London / by Walter Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1680- Books
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Deliramenta catarrhi, or, the incongruities, impossibilities, and absurdities couched under the vulgar opinion of defluxions / The author ... Joh. Bapt. van Helmont, &c. The translator and paraphrast Dr. Charleton.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1650- Books
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The immortality of the human soul, demonstrated by the light of Nature. In two dialogues / [Walter Charleton].
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1657- Books
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Two discourses.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1669- Books
GualterI CharletonI Oeconomia animalis, : novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa & mechanicè explicata. ; Accessêre ejusdem Dissertatio epistolica, de ortu animæ humanæ; & Consilium hygiasticum.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: Anno M. DC. LX. IX. [1669]- Books
Two discourses. I. Concerning the different wits of men. II. Of the mysterie of vintners. Or a discourse concerning the various sicknesses of wines ... / [Walter Charleton].
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1669- Books
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Natural history of nutrition, life, and voluntary motion : containing all the new discoveries of anatomist's and most probable opinions of physicians, concerning the oeconomie of human nature : methodically delivered in exercitations physico-anatomical / by Walt. Charlton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1659- Books
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De scorbuto liber singularis / autore Gualtero Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1672- Books
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Exercitationes pathologicæ : in quibus morborum penè omnium natura, generatio, & caussæ, ex novis anatomicorum inventis sedul ò inquiruntur. â Gualtero Charltono, M.D. Caroli I. olim, hodie Caroli II. Magnæ Britanniæ Monarcharum inclytissimorum medico ordinario.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: MDCLXI. [1661]- Books
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A ternary of paradoxes : the magnetick cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, image of God in man / written originally by Joh. Bapt. Van Helmont and translated, illustrated and amplified by Walter Charleton.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: [1650]- Books
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Two discourses : the first, concerning the different wits of men : the second, a brief discourse concerning the various sicknesses of wines, and their respective remedies at this day commonly used / delivered to the Royal Society by Walter Charleton ... ; to which is added, in this third edition, The art and mystery of vintners and wine-coopers.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1692- Books
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Oeconomia animalis : novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa & mechinice explicata : accessere ejusdem Dissertatio epistolica de ortu animæ humanæ & consilium hygiasticum / Gualter Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1669- Books
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Two discourses, I. Concerning the different wits of men: II. Of the mysterie of vintners ... / [Walter Charleton].
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1675- Books
Gualteri Charletoni Inquisitio physica de causis catameniorum et uteri rheumatismo. In quâ, e'n parodō, probatur sanguinem in animali fermentescere nunquam ... / [Walter Charleton].
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1685- Books
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Syn theō, Consilium hygiasticum : pro illustriss. excellentissq. heroë, Dno. Johanne Luca, Marchione Durazzo, extraordinario serenissimæ reip. Genuensis oratore, ad augustissimum Carolum II, Magnæ Britanniæ regem, honorificentissimèmisso, & ab eodem paritèr excepto, anno hoc, Æræ Christi nati MDCLXI.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: [1661]- Books
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Oratio anniversaria habita in theatro inclyti Collegii Medicorum Londinensium quinto die Augusti, Anno Domini 1680 : in commemorationem beneficiorum à Doctore Harveio, aliisque munificis viris eidem collegio praestitorum / à Gualtero Charletono.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1680- Books
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The darknes of atheism dispelled by the light of nature. A physico-theologicall treatise / Written by Walter Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1652- Books
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Exercitationes de oeconomia animali. Novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa, et mechanicè explicata / Quibus accessere Guilielmi Cole ... de secretione animali cogitata. Ad hanc oeconomiam praecipue spectantia.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1681- Books
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Spiritus Gorgonicus, vi sua saxipara exutus; sive de causis signis et sanatione lithiaseōs diatriba / Auctore Gualtero Charleton ...
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1650- Books
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Three anatomic lectures : concerning 1. the motion of the bloud through the veins and arteries, 2. the organic structure of the heart, 3. the efficient causes of the hearts pulsation : read on the 19, 20 and 21 / by Walter Charleton.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: 1683- Books
Enquiries into human nature : in VI. anatomic praelections in the new theatre of the Royal Colledge of Physicians in London / by Walter Charleton, M.D. ... ; publish'd by order of the most learned president.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.Date: 1680- Books
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Gualteri Charletoni Oeconomia animalis : novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa & mechanicè explicata accessêre ejusdem dissertatio epistolica de ortu animæ humanæ & consilium hygiasticum.
Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707Date: (I). DC.LX.VI [1666]