3 results filtered with: Chidley, Samuel
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Retsah, a cry against a crying sinne, or, A just complaint to the magistrates, against them who have broken the statute laws of God, by killing of men meerly for theft : manifested in a petition long since presented to the Common Councel of the city of London, on the behalfe of transgressours : together with certaine proposals, presented by Col. Pride to the Right Honourable the Generall Counsell for the Army, and the Committee appointed by the Parliament of England, to consider of the inconveniences, mischiefes, chargeablenesse, and irregularities in their law.
Chidley, SamuelDate: 1652- Books
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[Retsah] a cry against a crying sinne: or, A just complaint to the magistrates, against them who have broken the statute laws of God, by killing of men meerly for theft : Manifested in a petition long since presented to the Common Councel of the City of London, on the behalfe of transgressours. Together with certaine proposals, presented by Col. Pride to the Right Honourable the generall Counsell for the Army, and the Committee appointed by the Parliament of England, to consider of the inconveniences, mischiefes, chargeablenesse, and irregularities in their law.
Chidley, SamuelDate: 1652- Books
- Online
To His Highness the Lord Protector, and the Parliament of England, &c.
Chidley, SamuelDate: [1657]